- 1
Feature Request: Add %discordnickname% to link/unlink command placeholders
#694 opened by ttamttamS - 2
Unlock command?
#695 opened by Blueeyestar - 5
Randomly Disconnects
#697 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 1
#698 opened by SGlance - 9
Error, console does not show messages on discord server.
#699 opened by DeathSmurf - 2
Error when stopping the server
#703 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 1
chat link issue 1.15.2
#704 opened by PhoenixAceVFX - 2
Discord Rank Sync
#705 opened by feja111 - 1
role color
#708 opened by BallisticOK - 1
DisplayName placeholder
#709 opened by Corenb - 1
Can't send messages from minecraft to discord
#707 opened by UnknownMLGGamer - 1
Suddenly stopped loading
#710 opened by chickenmcjesus - 1
Message not showing up.
#711 opened by ad4mku - 3
Webhook pings everyone
#712 opened by Heath123 - 1
Use a User's PrivateChannel (DMs) as the console channel
#714 opened by ice-fly - 4
Discord to Minecraft Console Error
#713 opened by comonier - 4
Ability to assign Discord roles based off in-game statistics
#715 opened by wyverntail - 7
Ability to move linked players in voice channels using commands
#716 opened by djnejk - 2
Chat not sending
#718 opened by kiozix - 52
429 Rate Limits being hit constantly
#719 opened by KsaRedFx - 4
Plugin holds up shutdown
#717 opened by ice-fly - 1
warning that gets spammed
#721 opened by Duivelbryan - 1
New error. Spamming 429 on console
#722 opened by DiegoDaniel - 1
Warning message spammed in console.
#723 opened by Weasel-Beans - 4
New error. Spamming 429 on console
#724 opened by Louploup31 - 1
Delete message and problem
#725 opened by Louploup31 - 1
Encountered a 429 on route
#726 opened by Annsswer - 1
Warn Message on Server
#727 opened by Chaosvanguard - 1
429 Warning keeps happening.
#729 opened by tytech038 - 3
UnexpectedCharacterException: null
#730 opened by Jochyoua - 5
DiscordSRV v1.19.0 breaks fully on 1.12.2 Paper
#731 opened by TomLewis - 0
1.19 release seems to break it. was using a 1.19 snapshot before this
#732 opened by Duivelbryan - 6
Multi Discord Bot will send message duplicated (new VentureChat hook, intended behavior)
#733 opened by jackyjhih - 3
Issue with last update
#720 opened by Aubhisamme - 1
1.19.0 not loading, disabled due to error (miscast)
#741 opened by mbravorus - 14
Discord role sync incompatible with GroupManager
#742 opened by TTRCharlie - 3
JDA executing requests after plugin has been disabled
#743 opened by BboyZeroOne - 16
VanishNoPacket silent joins not respected
#735 opened by KsaRedFx - 0
Unexpected behavior when console channel phrase filtering is in whitelist mode
#737 opened by Ivan-Johnson - 3
long error dump
#739 opened by FenrisWheel - 1
Plugin spamming whole console
#740 opened by GamingVexed - 3
multiple chat channels for one server
#744 opened by soshimee - 1
Add mirror channels
#745 opened by soshimee - 1
#746 opened by Turbojcat - 2
Achievement's language
#747 opened by elmundomusical - 4
DiscordSRV Chat not working
#748 opened by HyplexMC - 4
[1.19.0] DiscordSRV avatar bug
#750 opened by Akashiic - 2
Force avatar image refresh by using timestamps
#752 opened by JustBuddy - 4
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat %world% placeholder does not work anymore
#751 opened by uncovery - 2
DiscordSRV failed to load properly - Expected JsonObject but was JsonPrimitive
#753 opened by falkke