- 3
Using quotations in a message results in an error in console, and message not being sent to server
#754 opened by MCHalfAssed - 2
Console Error on server shutdown. Paper 346
#755 opened by DiegoDaniel - 0
Format issue?
#756 opened by Legit4K - 9
Formatting MinecraftPlayer(first)JoinMessage
#757 opened by x1p - 1
Event Listeners exception
#758 opened by BboyZeroOne - 2
#760 opened by Encon192 - 1
[DiscordSRV] [JDA] Was unable to schedule next packet due to rejected execution by threadpool
#762 opened by lemonypancakes - 1
Role Synchronization Not working properly
#763 opened by HyplexMC - 1
profile picture not updateing
#764 opened by Billy7elal - 1
Discord -> Minecraft Chat format incorrect
#761 opened by oranges13 - 2
List command listing vanished player
#765 opened by tawan475 - 2
Radius Voice chat
#767 opened by StoneMcYT - 1
Multiple Voice chats
#768 opened by StoneMcYT - 1
DiscordSRV not working after installing & setting up Essentials X Chat
#769 opened by msgumede - 3
Was unable to schedule next packet due to rejected execution by threadpool
#771 opened by bnjrKemal - 3
View a snippet of a channel via in-game command
#772 opened by TomLewis - 2
DiscordSRV JDA Console Spam
#770 opened by Azrian0 - 4
Exception on resync
#774 opened by mben42 - 4
Compiling problems as dependency
#773 opened by AlessioDP - 1
Suggestion: a scoreboard channel
#777 opened by Septikai - 5
Version does not indicate which MC version it pertains to
#775 opened by Lost-Feight - 1
Poor performance on main thread with MySQL linked account backend + LuckPerms context
#776 opened by Vankka - 1
Disabling Dynmap Intergration
#780 opened by TheDinoDude - 1
"&" Symbol in usernames bugs out chat.
#779 opened by KaloHG - 0
Allow for customizing who can mention users from Minecraft to Discord (in-game permission / based on linked Discord account)
#784 opened by TheGam1ngWizard - 6
"Cannot build a Message with more than 2000 characters. Please limit your input."
#785 opened by thecenters - 1
Console out of sync
#781 opened by LokiTheGod123 - 1
#782 opened by LokiTheGod123 - 1
#783 opened by Fiopon - 2
Allowing a single player to join without Discord
#787 opened by TheChilliPL - 2
Plugin trying to kick player asynchronously.
#786 opened by TheChilliPL - 5
Startup and shutdown notification do určitého kanálu
#789 opened by djnejk - 8
Option to set primary group rather than secondary groups with LuckPerms
#794 opened by lewisakura - 4
Allow one way group synchronization
#791 opened by Jozznak - 2
PAPI Placeholders don't work
#792 opened by haeiven - 1
Discord Rich Presence Integration
#793 opened by PatrickH39 - 3
EntityDeathEvent does not trigger alerts
#795 opened by donwayo - 6
Reaction command
#797 opened by djnejk - 0
DiscordSRV does not display fake join and leave messages from PremiumVanish
#796 opened by MarkusLee626 - 2
Automatically unlink when user leaves Discord server
#800 opened by Comstepr - 1
Functional question
#798 opened by botany111 - 1
Allow 257+ character messages to be sent at a time from discord
#801 opened by Lilithvia - 5
Unexpected packet received during server login process/paper
#804 opened by Suducky - 3
SuperVanish hook doesnt show join message.
#805 opened - 2
DiscordSRV encountered an unknown Discord error: -1:
#803 opened by IITFA - 1
All messages translatable?
#807 opened by Patendo - 1
Discord bot is offline.
#809 opened by Patrickk17 - 2
Suggestion (If not already implemented): Separate MC to Discord chat and server event logs like joining and leaving and achievements
#808 opened by Shadownite64 - 1
Client IDs are 18 digits long
#810 opened by NovaDragon1 - 1
UltimateChat hook
#811 opened by Rubenicos