- 2
Pets break pressure plates
#24 opened by dcrew - 1
Pet riding bug.
#26 opened by SirMangler - 1
When using the close button on the pet menu, Your boots will drop on the ground.
#25 opened by Adondriel - 2
A lot of exception while enable petMenuOnInteract
#27 opened by marlboromoo - 1
Command parse error
#28 opened by marlboromoo - 1
#29 opened by loganout - 19
Multiworld not working correctly
#30 opened by Absolution-mc - 3
Pet gets saved but completely disapears
#31 opened by xtreameprogram - 0
When Leave pet auto removes no matter what
#32 opened by xtreameprogram - 4
- 5
Pet data is no more but in pet.yml
#33 opened by xtreameprogram - 1
Pet Default Save
#34 opened by Born2Win1283 - 1
Failed to retrieve Pet data for WauloK in MySQL Database
#35 opened by WauloK - 35
Pets get duped when go though Janus Portal. (BungeeCord)
#37 opened by jameswillis99 - 1
Latest Dev Issue, Pets name reset.
#39 opened by UPSOKen - 1
Horse changes to default when dismounting
#40 opened by JvS15NL - 1
[VIDEO]Pet Duplication...
#38 opened by UPSOKen - 2
Pets cannot be loaded from a world file
#41 opened by riking - 20
Blaze errors/wont spawn blazes
#44 opened by Hiddengold - 2
Fly your pet
#42 opened by SirMangler - 1
Changing some things from source in Eclipse
#45 opened by matthijs110 - 2
Auto /pet default set current
#46 opened by xtreameprogram - 1
Enderdragon riding
#47 opened by xtreameprogram - 12
Another Pet Dupe...
#48 opened by UPSOKen - 2
Muiltiverse worlds
#49 opened by ChronicSquid - 6
Entering regions when riding the bat.
#51 opened by Ripchip - 1
Need a 1.6.2 version compatible with 1.5.2. (Missing out on a lot & Outdated Perms)
#52 opened by MachoMancha - 3
Vanish Compatible
#50 opened by SirMangler - 3
Single permission nodes not working.
#53 opened by Hiddengold - 1
how do i remove the health bar from the wither pet?
#54 opened by Cheezewiz05 - 2
Pets And Multiverse (Addition Questions)
#55 opened by Bean427 - 5
EnderDragon Pet Issue.
#56 opened by SirMangler - 1
Pets don't attack players
#57 opened by westho - 1
#58 opened by SirMangler - 2
How to call the pet until I?
#59 opened by WilliamEstrela - 0
Pet Selector Issues
#60 opened by sad - 1
Pet selector permission spam
#61 opened by Bobby1727mc - 4
#62 opened by sleiss - 8
- 25
Pet duplication still there
#64 opened by ItsHarry - 2
SQL does not work with EchoPet!
#66 opened by DubstepCraig - 1
Plugin not working?
#67 opened by mattsorb - 1
how do we get a pet cant get one :(
#68 opened by beto1234 - 2
Pets disabled?
#69 opened - 1
error log InventoryClickEvent
#70 opened by piritacraft - 1
Errors on echopet v2.00.10
#71 opened by Toodo - 9
Internal error?
#74 opened by chadster932 - 2
How do I enable pets in a world?
#75 opened by mineTATcraft - 6
Pets won't follow their owner through multiverse portals with group manager.
#76 opened by swpolgla - 5
Internal error has occured
#77 opened by Tangosucka