- 1
{usedram} placeholder
#376 opened by Teric7 - 2
1.7 holograms grouping together
#375 opened by PenguThePenguin - 3
Chat API out of date 1.16.4 Bukkit
#374 opened by ThatOneGirlIG - 1
Chat API out of date for 1.16.4 Bukkit
#373 opened by ThatOneGirlIG - 1
Toggle Command
#372 opened by Sathenet - 1
Toggle Command
#371 opened by Sathenet - 1
Fix API-Only download link
#370 opened by Lightcaster5 - 2
How to change rotating?
#369 opened by Rehold - 1
#368 opened by xqplc - 1
Help with API
#367 opened by AndrewKosatka - 1
Help with API
#366 opened by AndrewKosatka - 4
Holograms Disappearing when Player Teleports
#365 opened by AtomixCM - 0
Question about Touchable Holograms
#364 opened by hesperiusproject - 4
Players kicked for Too Many Packets. Possible plugin confliction?
#363 opened by MrMcyeet - 3
Please find a way to separate the Creation of an hologram from its Spawn
#362 opened by DavidTheExplorer - 1
Please find a way to separate the Spawn of an hologram from its Creation
#361 opened by DavidTheExplorer - 3
BUG: issue with time placeholder
#360 opened by carltheraveyt - 1
16.11 18:12:57 [Server] Server thread/WARN [HolographicDisplays] The placeholder {time} registered by the plugin HolographicDisplays generated an exception while updating. Please contact the author of HolographicDisplays
#359 opened by carltheraveyt - 8
Can I Use Headdatabase On Floating Items?
#358 opened by Inxity - 1
Can I Use HeadDatabase plugin with /holo create test ICON: customhead
#357 opened by Inxity - 2
Right version, plugin says wrong version
#356 opened by STEINTALCHRIS - 1
Incompatible Version?
#355 opened by STEINTALCHRIS - 1
Placeholders does not work corectly
#354 opened - 1
#353 opened by LowScarlet - 4
Upgrade to support Spigot 1.16.4
#351 opened by SlimeDog - 1
Upgrade to support 1.16.4
#350 opened by SlimeDog - 1
#349 opened by LokiTheGod123 - 1
Getting kicked with this msg.
#348 opened - 1
Continuous errors in the console Holographic Displays
#347 opened by Adalberto45 - 1
{online: server} doesnt work for me
#346 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
Add command argument tab completion to 1.15.2+
#345 opened by kaxlabs - 1
Add tab completion support
#344 opened by kaxlabs - 4
API - Add "getVisiblePlayers" to VisibilityManager
#343 opened by SkytAsul - 1
Color Codes not working
#342 opened by SpyCraft3r - 1
Plugin is disabled
#341 opened by GermanGamer24 - 2
Visibility Permission Restrictions
#340 opened by ArctoranDev - 2
1.16.3 not supported
#339 opened by PengBread - 3
Unicode Error
#338 opened by Fredthedoggy - 1
[Suggestion] adding this, would be extremely useful
#337 opened by msmanui - 1
Add a setting to emit light from holograms
#336 opened by ElBananaa - 1
Hologram Displays not Loading in worlds created by the World System Plugin
#335 opened by danielbyomujuni - 1
Player get disconnected whene using a ProtocolLib packet.
#334 opened by jj136975 - 1
IP based locale support
#333 opened by kalleswe - 4
Hologram Visibility Manager issue
#332 opened by MikyPro - 1
Hologram Visibility Manager not working at all!
#331 opened by MikyPro - 3
Hologram Mob Hunting
#330 opened by Espinete87 - 1
Hologram for MobHunting
#329 opened by Espinete87 - 2
Unbearable ticking noise coming from the displays (Conflict with Multiverse Core)
#328 opened by EvilPandaMan - 1
#327 opened by adamm17 - 3
1.16.2 Incompatible
#325 opened by TenkyuChimata