- 6
NPE in DatabaseUpdater on load
#53 opened by phipla - 1
"/setvalue" gives "unknown command" error
#54 opened by HammyHavoc - 9
Display items duping on restart
#55 opened by csorrows - 1
Migrating from SQLite to MySql.
#56 opened by duffie563 - 2
TroubleShooting HyperMerchant
#57 opened by DrkMatr1984 - 0
Delete composite items automatically when a dependency is deleted
#58 opened by patrick-layden - 0
Remove itemmeta from blank banners.
#59 opened by patrick-layden - 1
Hyperconomy suddenly stopped working (nullpointerexception)
#60 opened by Kalessar - 2
Feature Suggestion - Stock balancing over time
#61 opened by MikeGold - 2
Error occurred while disabling HyperConomy v0.975.3
#62 opened by PikaMug - 0
Economy regions
#63 opened by patrick-layden - 0
Add depth strider enchantment, remove nonexistant items
#64 opened by patrick-layden - 1
Add /hceconomy subcommand to restore default economy to new state
#65 opened by patrick-layden - 0
Fix issues with changing object names
#66 opened by patrick-layden - 1
Price history shows a small % decrease even if nothing is bought or sold
#67 opened by JoeCow - 2
Possible to sync shops?
#68 opened by Wilberforce77 - 1
display items on signs
#69 opened by jonny42g - 4
MySQL connection failed
#70 opened by jonny42g - 3
#71 opened by PikaMug - 1
/repairsigns does not correctly find SB info signs
#72 opened by ItsOnlyBinary - 11
Taxation not actually applied
#73 opened by fpottbaecker - 3
Support for 1.7.10?
#74 opened by nicogranelli - 1
SetStock no longer a commmand
#75 opened by Samistine - 3
Shops.yml gone
#76 opened by Samistine - 1
Adding players to economies
#77 opened - 2
Updating to 1.8.
#78 opened by GuiMaster - 4
display bugs
#79 opened by voigtman - 1
Audit error
#80 opened by antoine7 - 2
List of given commands are not working in 1.8.1
#81 opened by The43thAlpha - 0
Error on Disable
#82 opened by Abrasam - 0
REQUEST: Separate Multi-world-economy Explained
#83 opened by roracle - 2
Adding new items
#84 opened by wookiefever - 3
#85 opened by Wilberforce77 - 5
Error when a shop is created
#86 opened by Starsonlyone - 5
CRITICAL BUG - Players can get an unlimited number of enchanted books
#87 opened by DKrolls - 4
#88 opened by DKrolls - 1
Overflow Error Post Initialization
#89 opened by Abrasam - 4
- 3
Database corruption
#91 opened by OLSUS - 3
Custom items not working
#92 opened by TKwSni - 0
Add purge inactive accounts option
#93 opened by patrick-layden - 1
REQUEST: Option to disable creating HyperConomy shops in some worlds
#94 opened by MardMallard - 2
REQUEST: Make shop creation honor WorldGuard regions
#95 opened by MardMallard - 1
REQUEST: Add ability to designate a player account to receive taxes
#96 opened by MardMallard - 2
BUG: Custom-added potions being auto-added to shops
#97 opened by MardMallard - 1
Named Firework Stars glitch with chest shops
#98 opened by Kynrasian - 4
Cannot open HyperConomy shop interface with potion
#99 opened by hansrji - 1
Suugestions: Frameshops and Chat messages.
#100 opened by TKwSni - 1
Excessive load caused by price-history-storage
#101 opened by Tibsfox - 1
Could not pass event PlayerDropItemEvent
#102 opened by TKwSni