- 8
1.12mc V mod V 1.6.6 not showing up in mods list
#322 opened by TGIBTheGuyInBlue - 8
Chorus Fruit control
#321 opened by ArtelGG - 7
Custom damage attributes on items are disregarded
#320 opened by AstralForce - 6
Can’t uninstall plugin
#319 opened by BluSpectrum - 2
Extended potion of slow-falling has 0 duration
#318 opened by Ferocimo - 3
Golden Apples blocking Advancements
#317 opened by northerncarrots - 1
1.14 support?
#316 opened by AstralForce - 2
Stack of potions are not consumed when drank
#315 opened by Ferocimo - 2
Spam console issue
#314 opened by OpvpYT - 1
Could not pass event EntityDamageEvent to OldCombatMechanics v1.7.3
#313 opened by xtinadaily - 3
Could not pass event EntityDamageEvent to OldCombatMechanics
#312 opened by yanisssch - 13
Plugin still active after deletion
#311 opened by KavisKryptic - 1
#310 opened by drossa - 1
Could not pass event EntityDamageByEntityEvent to OldCombatMechanics v1.7.2
#309 opened by leoncp9 - 6
MAGIC is not applicable (EntityDamageByEntityEvent)
#307 opened by DenisJ9798 - 2
How do you enable offhand? I've seen the other people writing about it but i cant find the whitelist and therefore not how to remove it
#306 opened by Sumsar9876 - 1
Hitting cooldown doesn't turn back on for me
#305 opened by Kiluminator - 2
Off-hand item disappearing when drinking potion
#304 opened by Ferocimo - 4
Slow Fall & Turtle Master potions causing errors
#303 opened by Ferocimo - 2
Could not pass event Issue
#301 opened by CocutOu - 1
Console errors
#300 opened by SirLuciferino - 1
- 3
Console Spam Error.
#298 opened by AdvancedGP - 1
- 1
Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent 1.13.2
#295 opened by MamaBeau - 5
Custom shield damage reduction with arrows
#294 opened by uiytt - 1
#293 opened by johnsoncui02 - 1
PlayerJoinEvent & PlayerQuitEvent
#292 opened by Nikwitz - 1
Help I cant uninstall
#291 opened by Xandervyvey - 3
old combat mechanics
#290 opened by Halfhand1 - 6
No sound when mobs take damage
#289 opened by TheBlankSky2 - 9
NBT problem - Full armor values without armor
#288 opened by revkilleri - 3
Async hit detection
#287 opened by H3xtyy - 6
Null pointer
#285 opened by AlekseyTitov99 - 4
Uninstall cooldown still disabled
#284 opened by ender1324 - 3
Old Golden Apples module overrides superior effects
#283 opened by Drc-DEV - 1
Incompatibility with RandomPackage
#282 opened by LavRad - 1
EntityDamageByEntityEvent to OldCombatMechanics v1.7.0
#281 opened by BurakDorman - 3
Option to allow knockback with 0 damage.
#280 opened by mibby - 0
Option to cancelDraggingIn for player entities only.
#279 opened by mibby - 5
Citizen NPCs movable with fishing rods
#278 opened by Tomographix - 23
Full Armour No Damage
#277 opened by Scremonetu - 4
ARMOUR not applicable
#276 opened by Leomelonseeds - 1
Sword-Block problem
#275 opened by Berciu - 1
TPS drop and Errors
#274 opened by andramil - 1
getTypeId Error on Console
#273 opened by pinoylifecraft - 1
Elytra use permission
#272 opened by matahombres - 1
/ocm reload duplicate recipe ignored
#271 opened by odie8800 - 1
playerWeakReference error
#270 opened by Valentyn72 - 1
IllegalStateException after player join
#269 opened by Kamilkime