- 5
Hit registration
#379 opened by blakep-dev - 3
shield-damage-reduction giving extra or no damage
#378 opened by northerncarrots - 7
Cant enabled off hand
#377 opened by LielXD - 0
/ocm toggle
#376 opened by pedrodalben - 3
Tablist Colors & Prefixes buggy
#374 opened by Likqez - 4
Spam clicking doesn't seem to do as much damage
#373 opened by Reynard-G - 3
Disable Barrels
#372 opened by NotMyFault - 0
Dosent work
#371 opened by Amandusjf - 1
Particle effect is not removed
#370 opened by Lunatik934 - 1
#368 opened by tanderman - 2
Add support for Linux.
#366 opened by ncat1 - 1
Allow changing bow damage
#365 opened by BDullanty - 1
Configurable Enchantment Damage
#364 opened by BDullanty - 1
TNT/Creeper block drops.
#363 opened by shupliance - 4
Change Trident Damage
#362 opened by BDullanty - 4
No damage with egg, snowball projectiles under Absorption effect
#361 opened by telfrancesco - 1
custom gapples not working
#360 opened by sheffed - 3
Passive Regeneration is off when the plugin is active.
#358 opened by ItsVinnyX - 4
Question about config settings
#357 opened by zeronerve - 1
Errors in console
#356 opened by goflishMC - 47
My players are getting kicked when I'm using ProtocolSupport
#355 opened by x9nico - 2
Haste/Mining fatigue should be togglable for attackSpeed
#354 opened by FnarGod - 1
Uninstalled plugin, swords still have 21.6 attack speed.
#353 opened by DorkyMcDorkus - 1
Bedwarsrel issue
#352 opened by laughskate - 1
Can't use dual wield
#351 opened by ItsBrendy - 8
Old combat values dont work
#350 opened by JHarris12345 - 3
PvP is not changed when changing maps
#348 opened by TooruTNT - 47
Tool damage not working with QuantumRPG
#347 opened by RoloRotMG - 1
Shields are not working with armor
#346 opened by uruhara - 15
Offhand is not Working
#345 opened - 0
McMMO and right click
#344 opened by uruhara - 24
NPE in Packet Listener
#343 opened by frkntmbs - 4
Shields not working
#342 opened - 10
Gapple Cooldown issue
#341 opened by OpvpYT - 1
mcmmo and off hand
#340 opened by TwerkRekt - 1
Gapple cooldown
#339 opened by haeiven - 3
Sweeping Edge
#338 opened by MineStroke - 2
Auto Shield Deploy & Off-Hand
#337 opened by Crispyyyyy - 4
Removing plugin deleted playerdata
#336 opened by NEvana0003 - 5
Suggestion : Add BungeeCord
#335 opened by EarthAgar - 4
Cant disable the plugin/attack speed is stuck
#334 opened by JMGamingandStuff - 1
NoClassDefFoundError EnchantmentType on player damage
#333 opened by Yokaos - 2
Projectile Randomness & Multishot
#331 opened by ArtelGG - 1
broken weapons
#330 opened by jamoreq - 3
Old Tool Damage not applying to Wood and Gold Weapons/Tools
#329 opened by RarePika - 4
Eggs and snowballs knockback not always working
#327 opened by aleexgheorghe - 4
Enderpearl spam won't disable
#326 opened by ManOfPaper891 - 3
Sword blocking disabled breaks offhand item use when holding sword in main hand
#325 opened by sjoerdtim - 2
Fishing rod doesn't activate pressure plates
#324 opened by Styii - 3
#323 opened by bonn2