- 0
API method to delete all segments containing a certain context
#3028 opened by zml2008 - 0
Bulk data editing
#3029 opened by zml2008 - 1
#3030 opened by likunheng666 - 1
2 prefixes or 2 default groups....
#3031 opened by xXMrMoose - 1
Why is my PEX in spanish?
#3032 opened by groosv - 2
Fabric support
#3033 opened by zml2008 - 1
Missing Permissions Node in Documentation
#3034 opened by T99 - 1
#3035 opened by jamoreq - 3
not opening
#3037 opened by 7bananas77 - 0
Error, Formatting issues?
#3036 opened by justicex3 - 1
An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
#3039 opened by frankzzyy - 2
Timed permissions go when player relogs
#3038 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
PermissionsEX not working and if i write /pl pex is red
#3041 opened by VladislavKorecky - 1
PermissionsEX is not working and if I write /pl pex is red
#3042 opened by VladislavKorecky - 1
People losing temp commands after relogin
#3040 opened - 1
#3043 opened by philip2017 - 1
#3044 opened by Raraph84 - 1
i need to know what this value mean in PEX's database
#3045 opened by R98rayan - 2
Add syntax for adding permission nodes without subnodes
#3046 opened by disba1ancer - 4
How to begin?
#3047 opened by Itap88 - 1
How do I add users to multiple groups but set them a specific prefix
#3052 opened by imskyyc - 0
Store world-specific and dimension-specific permissions data in world/dimension folders
#3053 opened by zml2008 - 7
is pex enabled? (is that an error?)
#3048 opened by olilord123 - 3
Invalid permissions.yml Help pls
#3050 opened by NightSling - 0
[Feature] Nukkit Support
#3051 opened by darbyjack - 3
Plugin error on Startup // 1.14.4 Paper
#3054 opened by KarlPro123 - 1
Most permission are not not working
#3055 opened by pikachu99 - 2
I cant do /pex group
#3056 opened by MisterBranch21 - 2
How to remove spawn blocking
#3057 opened by stonecollin - 0
Assign permissions by game function
#3058 opened by zml2008 - 5
Where can I see all permission nodes
#3059 opened by Itap88 - 2
Permissionsex does not run in my cracked server
#3060 opened by SirAlox - 2
PEX inheritance not working
#3061 opened by rickasheye - 1
Permissions Per World NOT WORKING
#3064 opened by Bioniclekolacz - 2
PEX Default role wont work
#3062 opened by NotEvenSweating - 5
1.12 - PermissionEx Not loading in
#3063 opened by MatthewSKC - 3
Invalid plugin.yml
#3065 opened - 0
Customize permissions for commands executed by clicking a sign
#3066 opened by zml2008 - 1
#3067 opened by YinSSSong - 2
Error when running on Paper 1.15.1
#3068 opened by viet - 1
MySQL login not defined
#3069 opened by TheSource85 - 2
PostgreSQL Unable to connect to SQL database
#3070 opened by car1ot - 0
Bulkuldate (such as Luckperms bulkupdate)
#3072 opened by Lungless - 0
Enhance debug mode/make debug mode less verbose
#3073 opened by zml2008 - 1
Configuration reset
#3075 opened by jaksia - 1
Perms / Prefix not working
#3074 opened by GameSterDamian - 2
Help PermissionsEx
#3076 opened by 4TULL - 1
Pex don't Work help
#3077 opened by 4TULL - 3
Issue going from the legacy Pex to Pex v2
#3078 opened by fierceeo - 1
Unexpected exception while parsing console command
#3080 opened by Avgustin21