- 8
Incompatibility with Discord4J
#681 opened by gdude2002 - 3
Version 1.13.2 has not yet been tested
#680 opened by TheNety - 5
#679 opened by demon57730 - 1
[Question] How to send a cutompacket throught bungeecord ?
#678 opened by TheCalypso - 0
Issue in combination with latest Multiverse-Portals
#677 opened by dotI0 - 10
1.12.2 version no comprende
#676 opened - 2
Error - player join
#675 opened by 100petr - 3
set custom name datawatcher
#674 opened by corentingosselin - 2
java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String
#673 opened by fahlur - 0
NPE with advancements wrapper
#672 opened by CommanderTvis - 0
Need help with getting EntityHuman class instance
#671 opened by JakeNijssen - 2
Error while disguising Zombie Villager
#670 opened by eric2788 - 0
Unable to display skin parts on fake players (Paper 1.14)
#669 opened by bicrypt - 2
ProtocolManager#updateEntity ghost a player when they are in different worlds
#668 opened by 0ddlyoko - 1
Bug Protocollib Disabling
#667 opened by Zaynii - 1
#666 opened by keeganthomas - 0
Error Unable to intercept a read client packet
#665 opened by gwelw - 0
error gadgetmenu
#664 opened by Yukylyu - 0
Replace trackerEntry.getClass() in the linked ProtocolLib code with PlayerChunkMap.EntityTracker.class or an equivalent value
#663 opened by mibby - 3
Not all information in WrappedBlockData is cloned
#661 opened by fvoichick - 0
How do I update entity (player) metadata?
#660 opened by SteveTheEngineer - 3
Server not turning on for some players
#659 opened by ItsVinnyX - 2
Feature request: include build number in dev builds
#658 opened by SlimeDog - 2
Packet "Acknowledge_Player_Digging" is not available
#657 opened by Brokkonaut - 2
#656 opened by BlackRebbel - 2
Error filtering reports: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find report name for Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#655 opened by Ghost-chu - 1
Issue with my plugin which supports ProtocolLib
#654 opened by Ifriedmonkey - 2
ProtocolLib 1.14.4 + HolographicDisplays
#653 opened by Darkweasam - 0
Could not pass event PlayerLoginEvent
#652 opened by sujyrokimora - 2
Unable to find method scanPlayers ([]) in class net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.EntityTrackerEntry.
#651 opened by JakeNijssen - 1
TinyProtocol: If player joins directly at server start, NPE on PlayerLoginEvent is thrown and no packets are received
#650 opened by Olexorus - 0
The plugin told me to report this here.
#649 opened by merlinshaw - 1
IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized raw ID 12
#648 opened by fvoichick - 1
Jlib Unhandled exception number 256 occured in onPacketSending(PacketEvent) for JLib
#647 opened by Acult - 1
Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to ProtocolLib v4.4.0
#646 opened by Slycraftmcs - 3
Empty packets on Tab_Complete
#645 opened by baticag - 1
NoSuchAsMethodException but PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$PlayerInfoData shouldn't have PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo inside the constructer (1.8R3)
#644 opened by LeeGodSRC - 3
Consol told me to report this Error
#643 opened by merlinshaw - 3
Use bed packet in 1.14?
#642 opened by SteveTheEngineer - 3
Players unable to join
#641 opened by darkbro100 - 3
server crash
#640 opened by slvlr - 0
the gradlization has not been properly completed
#639 opened by RoboMWM - 0
Going from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3-pre4 and this rolls out
#638 opened by MrKiller01 - 12
Failing to clone entity metadata packets in 1.14, 1.14.1, 1.4.2. Latest ProtocolLib dev version.
#637 opened by Niall7459 - 1
Support for 1.14.3-pre4
#636 opened by YourCoalAlt - 8
"Plugin is disabled" and files don't generate
#635 opened by yro7 - 3
Hey what's the ProtocolLib packet for essentials balance on a scoreboard?
#634 opened by mcjojo3 - 0
ProtocolLib red
#633 opened by KaitoMomota - 3
ProtocolLib 1.14 Console Spam
#631 opened by AccioAce - 1
Javadocs doesn't work
#630 opened by CDFN