- 2
Error when i put the plugin
#1426 opened by Enoughsdv - 1
Cannot load ProtocolLib - Please help...
#1425 opened by Ghostttie - 2
Unable to disable all sound effects
#1424 opened by davidjpfeiffer - 3
- 2
#1422 opened by flaxeneel2 - 0
I have a problem with the plugin ProtocolLib
#1421 opened by mamonuwu - 0
#1420 opened by TimDegraaf - 1
Not sure what's the issue so i can't tell
#1419 opened by Bakayarouz - 2
ProtocolManager.getProtocolVersion is returning the port number on Java 17
#1418 opened by Jaren8r - 6
ProtocolManager.updateEntity​ method doesn't work in Spigot 1.17.1
#1417 opened by Lori3f6 - 1
When I join my server is spams error in console and i get teleported to lobby which is what is supossed to happen but spam
#1416 opened by Lavamate786 - 12
Performance issues with protocollib flushing every packet
#1415 opened by MWHunter - 1
Internal error; Cannot execute code in channel thread
#1414 opened by LauraRussels - 15
1.17 Teams Packet - Chat Component Writing
#1413 opened by linsaftw - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler.
#1412 opened by SalomonPicos - 1
Unable to get the original chat content
#1411 opened by myunco - 1
ProtocolLib Error
#1410 opened by NIKO4685 - 0
Could not initialize class c.c.p.i.n.ChannelInjector
#1408 opened by PierreSchwang - 0
Exception Connecting:QuietException : Unexpected packet received during server login process (19ae037b227472616e736c617465223)
#1407 opened by kh0mka - 1
Calling getPlayerInfoDataList().write with Collections.singletonList causes NoClassDefFoundException on 1.17.1
#1406 opened by Andre601 - 0
Cannot load ProtocolLib 1.17.1 Paper
#1405 opened by iCrafterCode - 3
Packet encoding of packet ID 77 threw (skippable? false)
#1404 opened by Gu-f - 0
The modifier for PlayServerMap doesn't seem to match up to examples.
#1403 opened by elee1766 - 3
[WARN] io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Badly compressed packet - size of 2 is below server threshold of 512
#1402 opened by joex92 - 7
Unable to deepclone ENTITY_METADATA packet in 1.17
#1401 opened by Rothes - 0
NPE generated by equals() in PlayerInfoData
#1400 opened by Kamilkime - 1
[1.17.1] Could not find packet for type WORLD_BORDER
#1399 opened by Drc-DEV - 1
Console error when starting server
#1398 opened by Anyelo120 - 1
ProtocolLib disabled on 1.17 startup
#1397 opened by fittercleric60 - 1
console debug?
#1396 opened by illudota - 2
Grab player chat message with ProtocolLib in Paper 1.16.5
#1395 opened by flechabenx - 3
Looking for packet to trick client that he has opened a chest
#1394 opened by wellnesscookie - 2
Event for player teleport?
#1393 opened by soshimee - 1
Add support for magma 1.16.x
#1392 opened by Jauska - 2
Metadata Silent
#1391 opened by Passeo - 2
ProtocolLib and Alice Error when right clicking player with shield in Airplane 1.17.1 and Java 16
#1390 opened by avimuh - 1
Hello, can you help me? I have a mohist server and I have the latest version of this plugin but this always appears and it is constant.
#1389 opened by Bercouli10 - 4
#1388 opened by linpan0 - 1
Paper Component outdated
#1387 opened by Galajus - 0
Paper 1.17: Unable to find field PLAINS in class
#1386 opened by Dymeth - 2
#1385 opened by HarnesHa12 - 1
Compiling Error
#1384 opened by nikitushu2 - 1
ProtocolLib 4.6.0+ breaks VentureChat on Mohist 1.12.2.
#1383 opened by Agrrox - 1
I don't know whose problem this is
#1381 opened by yuankun1 - 1
No sound when using CUSTOM_SOUND_EFFECT
#1380 opened by martinm07 - 1
Entity Hit problem
#1379 opened by benfiratkaya - 1
About Light Update
#1378 opened by inrhor - 1
Minecraft Forge Server software implementing for Mohist
#1377 opened by mapleandtree - 1
Unable to apply potion effect to entities
#1376 opened by grahhnt - 2
Missing packets
#1375 opened by WillFP