- 1
Error loading the plugin
#1604 opened by mariocr4ft - 1
Purpur - IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find a method that matches
#1602 opened by Elikill58 - 1
Error with viaversion
#1600 opened by KadTheAad - 2
Client Packets
#1597 opened by Storkclips - 0
Player's nametag not updating in-game
#1596 opened by mybe - 4
Cannot retrieve entity from ID when upgrade from 4.6.0 to 4.8.0
#1595 opened by jiongjionger - 4
Bandwidth Tracking
#1594 opened by Kneesnap - 2
getScheduledPackets() changed from List to Set, javadoc not updated. Why?
#1591 opened by bergerkiller - 1
Im getting this on my server
#1590 opened by TypicalShavonne - 4
Massive lag issue
#1589 opened by PhoenixCodingStuff - 3
1.8.8: PacketType.Play.Server.CHAT not firing for 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT b553
#1588 opened by kangarko - 1
Unable to cancel NamedSoundEffectPacket
#1586 opened by wiji1 - 5
Advanedgui error - cpu raises randomly
#1585 opened by supermem99 - 0
plugin error bulk spam in console
#1584 opened by ItzHexGamerYT - 4
Plugin incompatibility massive spam error?[1.17.1]
#1583 opened by illudota - 1
- 0
Console ask me to report this
#1581 opened by Nishibaka - 0
ProtocolLib Console Asked Me to report this.
#1580 opened by NopeProsOnly - 0
Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1579 opened by mziinn - 0
protocollib does not support plugin loaders!
#1578 opened by bob881688 - 3
Problem in Protocollib with PacketContainer#deepClone()
#1577 opened by CloudeLecaw - 14
ProtocolLib 5.0.0 Sync/Async - strange behavior - PacketAdapter dont get called?
#1576 opened by Wolf2323 - 0
Problem with protocollib in timings
#1575 opened by Chrqmated - 0
Console asked me to report ProtocolLib bug
#1574 opened by MrAltik - 1
ProtocolLibs Console Errors
#1573 opened by BboyZeroOne - 1
Killed server by ProtocolLib
#1572 opened by GabrielSTF - 1
FieldAccessException "flags" field of type byte in Play.Server.Abilities cannot be accessed in my plugin?
#1571 opened by TheRealWHfan - 15
[1.18.2] PacketPlayOutRespawn changed DimensionManager to holder
#1570 opened by games647 - 0
Errors in console
#1569 opened by ctrz0 - 0
Error that make me disconnect from server
#1568 opened by ArtifactyNight - 1
ProtocolLib Load Error
#1567 opened by Matehearlrr - 0
ProtocolLib bug
#1565 opened by Sollos1 - 0
TinyProtocol Broken on 1.18.2 (and 1.16+)?
#1564 opened by Coops0 - 0
a strange server crash may connect to ProcotolLib DeadLock
#1563 opened by 290qthfsgghredv - 14
How can I edit the MetaData of an outgoing spawn entity packet?
#1562 opened by Loudbooks - 1
What is the difference between WrappedDataWatcher, WrappedDataWatcherObject and WrappedWatchableObject?
#1560 opened by LaserSlime - 2
WirePackets cause a client-side error
#1559 opened by SenseiKiwi - 3
ProtocolLib and CatServer
#1558 opened by BurnhamR - 1
WrappedVillagerData cannot resolve Vanilla VillagerType
#1557 opened by kennytv - 1
Weird error after server freeze
#1556 opened by Teslicek - 2
Problem while booting the server
#1554 opened by Coffister - 5
[5.0] receiveClientPacket broke API compatibility, and is also broken itself
#1552 opened by bergerkiller - 14
Packets are being dropped on a large scale
#1551 opened by bergerkiller - 1
#1550 opened by ray11233 - 3
Add a Function
#1549 opened by TimeLessHD - 2
causing ERROR -
#1548 opened by sussybukaa - 1
Problems with Modded Server
#1547 opened by TimeLessHD - 4
ProtocolLib Issue Overnight (server console freezes)
#1546 opened by cheesebobi - 4
Incorrect Protocol Version Reported When Using ViaVersion
#1545 opened by andrewbelling - 0
Add sources and javadocs to maven repository
#1544 opened by LaserSlime