- 1
Error when using the WrappedDataWatcher in 1.20.6 with ProtocolLib 5.2.1-SNAPSHOT-696
#2964 opened by Muffin2Go - 0
When I use itemsadder, I get kicked out after loading the texture pack.
#3002 opened by starkill1213 - 0
Issue Purge
#3004 opened by dmulloy2 - 0
Armor Stands Bug - Advanced Crates & Citizens
#2966 opened by Oliizquierdo - 0
SCOREBOARD_OBJECTIVE NumberFormat (Blank, Fixed, Styled) 1.20.4+
#2965 opened by LeeTheTech - 0
ProtocolLib 698
#2967 opened by Daniel-Yablochkin - 1
ProtocolLib 698
#2968 opened by Daniel-Yablochkin - 0
[API Bug] WrappedRegistrable `getKey` returns incorrect key
#2969 opened by diogotcorreia - 8
Cannot invoke "java.lang.Class.getEnumConstantsShared()" because "klass" is null
#2971 opened by bridgelol - 0
Malformated packet
#2972 opened by Mathildeuh - 10
Error sending set_player_team packet - Build 702
#2973 opened by Muffin2Go - 5
Data watchers broken in 1.20.5+
#2975 opened by Ghost-chu - 0
#2976 opened by dmulloy2 - 1
#2978 opened by hasirciogli - 5
#2979 opened by ryanalexander - 3
Listening to any packet under `PacketType.Configuration.Server` causes client to hang forever when joining
#2980 opened by Saghetti0 - 1
Plugin crash when start with 1.20.6
#2981 opened by DevvOrange - 1
#2983 opened by Nalkos - 2
Packet ID mismatch is not handled, leading to wrong packet IDs
#2984 opened by Saghetti0 - 2
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib
#2985 opened by alm7airbi - 2
1.20.6 update_attributes pack error?
#2986 opened by bindglam - 8
Player disconnected when sending clientbound/minecraft:set_entity_data packet (Error sending packet clientbound/minecraft:set_entity_data (skippable? false))
#2987 opened by Ghost-chu - 7
Protocollib Error on 1.18.2 Server
#2988 opened by xXGamerHDXTv - 1
FieldAccessException: Field index 0 is out of bounds for length 0
#2989 opened by NoltoxGit - 32
Error sending packet clientbound/minecraft:update_attributes (skippable? false)
#2990 opened by Naimadx123 - 1
Protocollib doesnt want to work on my server.
#2991 opened by FrxstY123 - 4
Heavy load
#2993 opened by VesterTop - 2
Server crashes with latest protocollib dev build
#2994 opened by Wamens - 1
prtocolib Not working
#2995 opened by Viper-dummy - 2
New API for ProtocolLib
#2996 opened by Ingrim4 - 0
Mojang Mappings
#2997 opened by dmulloy2 - 3
ProtocolLib breaks LibsDisguises.
#2998 opened by andrewkm - 4
Can't create Add Entity packets in 1.20.6
#2999 opened by andrewkm - 2
ReportedException: Sending packet
#3000 opened by daniel-skopek - 0
#3001 opened by Nunchakin - 0
Packet Server.COMMANDS error and usages
#3005 opened by arkillon1 - 5
#3006 opened by dmulloy2 - 1
1.20.6 PacketFilterManager.createPacket Performance
#3008 opened by LucidAPs - 1
Error with OpenJ9 Java
#3007 opened by MrWenter228 - 1
#3009 opened by Juggerfield - 5
Lag spike on player join
#3011 opened by Adaf5589 - 3
should not be displayed in the client
#3010 opened by YuanYuanOwO - 0
Server crashing on latest ProtocolLib dev and Paper Stable builds
#3012 opened by PovilasLT - 6
Inconsistent packet handlers with ProtocolLib versions
#3013 opened by Olzie-12 - 1
How to resolve this error?
#3015 opened by Shuiyuejiaofu - 1
Unable to find a field that matches {modifiers=[required: 10000, banned: 1000], type={ type input instanceof interface java.util.Map }}
#3014 opened by Javimoa95 - 0
NPE for newly constructed WrappedDataWatcher on older versions.
#3016 opened by 0utplay - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "vanilla" is null
#3017 opened by JericNisperos - 9
[1.20.4+] Unable to set the value of CommonPlayerSpawnInfo's fields
#3018 opened by ineanto - 9
FieldAccessException when calling NbtFactory.setItemTag()
#3019 opened by josemmo