ServerlistMOTD X

ServerlistMOTD X



ServerlistMOTD allows you to change your MOTD in the serverlist. You can set custom MOTDs for known players or welcome new players with a special MOTD to get the players attention. This plugin is HIGHLY compatibile with old and new versions of Bukkit/Spigot! Now with HEX support as well!


The plugin requires ProtocolLib for all features |Placeholder API support

All slots related features won't work without ProtocolLib.

Newest builds on GitHub: *click*

Need help or found a bug? Report here: *click*

Please be friendly and not entitled!

Feature Overview

NewbieMOTD - "You are a new player? You're going to see this!"

Welcome new players directly in their serverlist!

RegularMOTD - "You played here before? You're going to see this!"

Welcome known players with a special motd!

RandomMOTD - "You're going to see a different MOTD each time!"

Add as many MOTDs as you want by adding bullet points in your config!

BanMOTD - "You're banned? You are going to see this." (Bukkit/Spigot only)

MOTD for all your banned players! This can display the ban reason and the expiration date.

Support for all Ban-Plugins that support Bukkits/Spigots standard ban function (like Essentials), BanManager and MaxBans  

WhitelistMOTD - "You have a Whitelist? I have a MOTD!" (Bukkit/Spigot only)

This feature will show you a special MOTD when activated in config and a whitelist is active!

HoverText - "Mouseover your slots to unlock a cool Messagebox!

Add as many lines as you want by adding bullet points in your config!

Change your Slots and OnlinePlayerCount!

You can change slots and online player in your config. (These numbers are obviously fake!)

VersionText - Replace your slots with a text!

Use your personal text to make your server different!

Example of use: '&4&lMAINTENANCE' to represent a maintenance mode.

OutdatedClientText  - Let your players know which version to use 


Tell your players what version of Minecraft to use!

Hide your Slots and OnlinePlayerCount(Bukkit/Spigot only)

Do you want to hide your slots and online players? This will bring you some privacy! ;-) Note: HoverText and all other slots manipulations have to be disabled.

RestrictedMode - Your server appears to be offline! (Bukkit/Spigot only)

Players without OP/Permissions will see this in their serverlist when RestrictedMode is ON.

Players with OP/Permissions will see this in their serverlist when RestrictedMode is ON. 


SlotsPlusOne generates a custom slots count based on your online players. Often used by big server to fake an almost full server. In simple terms, you basically add one slot to your current number of online players.

Example: 10 players online - custom number: 1 - 11 slots --> 10/11

Example: 27 players online - custom number: 5 - 32 slots -- > 27/32

You can create a min and max limit to prevent from having for example 1 slot when no one is online.


OnlineMultiplier generates a fake online players count by multiplying it with a number set in config!

When the multiplied number gets above your min slots, it will adjust the slots by adding a custom number to it!

When the multiplied number gets above your max slots, it will set the online player count and slots to your max value -> see config (Example 100/100)

Example (Min Slots: 100):10 players online - multiply by 5 - 50 players online/ 100 slots (50 Players < Min Slots -> Min Slots = Slots and no adjustment with the custom number)

Example (Min Slots: 10) 12 players online - multiply by 2(24 Players + 5 -> CustomNumber ( = Slots) - 24 players online/ 29 slots

Example (Max Slots: 100): 50 players online - multiply by 3 - 100 players online / 100 slots (because 150 > 100)

Color Codes

ColorCode Output ColorCode Output
&0 Black &a Green
&1 Dark Blue &b Aqua
&2 Dark Green &c Red
&3 Dark Aqua &d Purple
&4 Dark Red &e Yellow
&5 Dark Purple &f White
&6 Gold &l Bold
&7 Gray &o Itallic
&8 Dark Gray &k Magic
&9 Blue &n Underlined

HEX Support for 1.16+

  • Single HEX color: <#FFEDBC>
  • Gradient: <g:#ED4264:#FFEDBC> (add more colors to the gradient by appending :#CODE>)


<g:#ED4264:#FFEDBC>&lWelcome back, <#FFEDBC>&o%player%! %line%<g:#22c1c3:#fdbb2d>It's a %weather% &a%time%

<g:#ED4264:#FFEDBC:#22c1c3>Welcome newbie! %line%<g:#22c1c3:#fdbb2d>It's a &c%weather% %time%.

Variables for (Random-)MOTD (Newbies)

Variable Output
%time% Returns time from world set in config
%weather%  Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)

... and PlaceholderAPI!

%player% & %money% are not available because the Newbies MOTD is for unknown players. ServerlistMOTD has to register the players name and its IP in a database to recognize the player. (IP-Logging) There is technically no other way to get the players name!

Variables for (Random-)MOTD (Regulars)

Variable Output
%player% Returns player name 
%time%  Returns time from world set in config
%weather%  Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%money%  Returns money from player (Vault needed)
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)

 ... and PlaceholderAPI!

Variables for Ban MOTD

Variable Output
%player%  Returns player name 
%time% Returns time from world set in config
%weather% Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)
%reason% Ban reason
%expdate% Ban expiration date (day, mont, year in one -> 06.06.2015)
%exptime% Ban expiration time (sec, min, h in one -> 8:12:34)
%expsec% Ban expiration seconds of time
%expmin% Ban expiration minutes of time
%exphour% Ban expiration hours of time
%expday% Ban expiration day of date
%expmonth% Ban expiration month of date

Ban expiration year of date

 ... and PlaceholderAPI!

You can change the position and the separations between the values in the config

(affects ONLY %expdate% & %exptime%)

Example: Change DD/MM/YYYY (12/9/2015) to MM/DD/YY (9/12/15)

Example: Change hh:mm:ss to hh:mm if you don't want the seconds to be displayed

Change the / or : to whatever you want! (Could - or * or whatever)

Variables for HoverText

%time%  Returns time from world set in config
%weather%  Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)

  ... and PlaceholderAPI!

Variables for WhitelistMOTD

Variable Output
%player% Returns player name 
%time%  Returns time from world set in config
%weather%  Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%money%  Returns money from player (Vault needed)
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)

 ... and PlaceholderAPI! 

Variables for RestrictedMode

Variable Output
%player% Returns player name 
%time%  Returns time from world set in config
%weather%  Returns weather from world set in config
%line% Add second line
%money%  Returns money from player (Vault needed)
%randomplayer% Returns random playername (joined before)

 ... and PlaceholderAPI! 

Variables for VersionText/ OutdatedClientText

Variable Output
%randomnumber% Returns random number between a set interval from config
%fakeslots% Returns fake slots set in config
%fakeonline% Returns fake online count set in config
%realslots%  Returns amount of real slots available
%realonline% Returns amount of players online
%slotsplusone% Returns value of SlotsPlusOne-Feature

 ... and PlaceholderAPI! 

Commands and Permissions

For Bungeecord: /bmotd - Permissions: bmotd

Command Permissions (or OP) Description


Alias: /sl, /smotd

serverlist Helpsite (Commands)
/serverlist reload serverlist.reload Reload Config (Apply Changes)
/serverlist restrictedmode serverlist.restrictedmode Toggle RestrictedMode & Kick all
serverlist.restrictedmode.join Join Server When RestrictedMode ON
serverlist.restrictedmode.nokick No Kick When RestrictedMode Toggled
/serverlist update (in old versions) ServerlistMOTD.update.runUpdate Initiate Plugin Update
ServerlistMOTD.update.getNotified Get Notified On Join When Update Available
/serverlist randommotd serverlist.randommotd Toggle RandomMOTD on/off
/serverlist banmotd serverlist.banmotd Toggle BanMOTD on/off
/serverlist versiontext serverlist.versiontext Toggle VersionText on/off

/serverlist lastping <name> 

(in old version)


Shows last ping from player



ServerlistMOTD (below X!) collects anonymous data. You cann see everthing over here at bStats:

Bungeecord: bStats *click me*

Spigot/Bukkit: bStats *click me*

I switched to bStats as is very unreliable. You can find the Metrics for ServerlistMOTD 1.0-6.2 right here: (if available)

ServerlistMOTD doesn't collect Metrics!