- 8
Issue with latest beta build
#36 opened by LcyDev - 2
Variable replacement NPE
#33 opened by TheosisOfficial - 4
Placeholders from PAPI doesn't work in 'HoverText'
#34 opened by Martinko366 - 2
PAPI Placeholders don't resolve so soon after server load
#35 opened by TheosisOfficial - 1
VersionText: Version incompatible!
#38 opened by LcyDev - 0
Add event-based MOTD
#37 opened by strumswell - 2
Plugin completely failing
#39 opened by Gamersxp6248 - 2
Custom MOTD priorities
#40 opened by Phosphorshy - 0
WhitelistMotd use ClassicMotd (or RandomMotd if enabled) when whitelisted
#41 opened by Phosphorshy - 1
Plugins dont work
#42 opened by NockyCZ - 4
Custom server icon
UnknownSlots doesn't work
#44 opened by magne37 - 3
Might already be here, but is it possible to make version text different color
#45 opened by Zyriom - 0
Does not work on bungee
#46 opened by iXmaxGames - 0
bungeecord support in new versions
#48 opened by justlofe - 2
BanMotd not working with AdvancedBan
#47 opened by trc99 - 6
What to do when there is no config.yml?
#49 opened by NullUsxr - 0
some bug, idk
Hover text
#51 opened by Kattekoning - 2
#52 opened by Niix-Dan - 2
Add AdvancedBan support
#53 opened by havi05 - 0
Missing api version causes Warning in console
#54 opened by havi05 - 1
[Feature Request] Do not discontinue
#55 opened by triesharder - 1
Bugged and missing characters in the MOTD
#56 opened by Tousend1000 - 0
Not work BanMotd and HoverText
#57 opened by DZet39 - 0
Banmotd not working, version text not working, outdatedclient not working, howertext not working
#58 opened by Guztazas - 2
Config Errors for some reason
Spigot 1.16.1 support
#10 opened by Srborjaa - 9
custom outdated client text
#11 opened by TheosisOfficial - 7
No Color in MOTD with Badlion client
#12 opened by mrunningmasterc - 2
PlaceholderAPI integration
#13 opened by strumswell - 2
#14 opened by strumswell - 0
Papi placeholders in slots
#15 opened by strumswell - 1
does not work on bungeecord
#16 opened by huseyinalperenn - 2
PaperMC 1.16.3
#17 opened by xCraimax - 1
Different colours for various states of day
#18 opened by Lethaquell - 5
Can i use UTF-8 codes somehow?
#19 opened by ShDis - 7
Remove "Add bullet points to add more Motds!"
#20 opened by borjxrroyo - 2
HEX support
#21 opened by strumswell - 1
Bungeecord Compatible
#22 opened by tamim-the-wise - 0
Change MOTD with ingame command
#23 opened by strumswell - 1
- 9
Plugin as Bungeecord plugin / CloudNet module
#25 opened by jthuermann - 1
BanMOTD not working with WhitelistMOTD
#26 opened by luke-mcginnis - 3
config.yml keeps getting renamed to config_old.yml, cant get it to work
#27 opened by scratchem - 3
1.17 Situation
#28 opened by TheCrafter8000 - 12
Messages not working correctly
#29 opened by TheCrafter8000 - 19
RandomMOTD wont work
#30 opened by Meecka - 2
Paper complains about logging
#31 opened by atlgeek007 - 6
NPE when replacing player var
#32 opened by TheosisOfficial