- 2
Particles and 1.13
#40 opened by PapiCapi - 1
Sending a title does not work with Skript v2.4-alpha1
#41 opened by HevelMc - 3
#42 opened by oSoloTurk - 4
Tablist on 1.14.3
#43 opened by Patbox - 1
#44 opened by oSoloTurk - 4
1.14.4 - Some expressions/effects don't work
#46 opened by antoinech2 - 1
Bossbar color
#45 opened by NebuSensei - 11
Is Natural not working 1.13.2
#47 opened by Dinoosawruss - 6
SkRayFall crashing since I installed Votifier and its addons.
#48 opened by NorteX-dev - 1
SkRayFall breaks nametag hiding of Citizens.
#49 opened by Patbox - 0
Console error when despawning citizen
#50 opened by iperrealistico - 1
scoreboard issue
#51 opened by AggerTV - 2
action bar not working in 1.15
#52 opened by Ikbenmathijs - 6
Titles And Subtitles not working in 1.15+
#53 opened by HevelMc - 0
SkRayFall create conflict with Citizens Nametag longer
#54 opened by Zzheyd - 3
Allow resource pack sounds to be played with play sound effect
#3 opened by shepherdjerred - 2
Server Vote Event does not work with %player%
#4 opened by MrPowerGamerBR - 2
Scoreboard Overrides
#6 opened by leeskiii - 5
[SOLVED]About Holograms
#8 opened by yusufkandemir - 4
Armor Stands
#9 opened by yusufkandemir - 4
Error: Set ID based score
#10 opened by TheTonyk - 2
None of the AI stuff works
#11 opened by Pilvinen - 1
Conflicts with scoreboards
#12 opened by Pilvinen - 1
Removing citizens buggy
#13 opened by Pilvinen - 1
Spigot/Paper 1.9.4 [error not loading]
#14 opened by dyanakiev - 8
Individual scoreboards broken
#15 opened by melinstagibson - 0
Title & subtitle
#16 opened by Feerko - 1
1.10.2 Breaking action bar
#17 opened by melinstagibson - 0
[REQ] | Add fireworks
#18 opened by TrademarkTM - 12
Offline votes
#19 opened by melinstagibson - 2
1.11 Update Request
#20 opened by TheLordAlduin - 2
Not save votes
#21 opened by melinstagibson - 0
Set max health does not work!
#22 opened by bloggy - 1
Citizen Nametag
#23 opened by marcellmit2l - 2
All effects from skRayFall are not recognized.
#24 opened by cupOfJava2014 - 2
Error loading skRayFall // Effects don't work
#25 opened by Rektb - 0
weird hologram issue(pickup)
#26 opened by aaa8881 - 0
Personal scoreboard doesn't work...
#27 opened by maxmistral - 1
The Server Console is spammed with a bunch of errors
#28 opened by AxelTWC - 0
Latency with Npc expression
#29 opened by DevilishDante - 0
Citizen nametag not working
#30 opened by GrimEpp - 0
? Characters causing syntax to break
#31 opened by Rixic - 0
Particle Error
#32 opened by whoshenry - 1
Bugs not sure what is this
#33 opened by Sodies - 1
show title error when showing too fast new title
#34 opened by GorlikItsMe - 1
Bossbar Internal error
#35 opened by Sodies - 0
error message
#36 opened by titustitus98 - 0
#37 opened by OPEN900 - 1
Tab header and footer causing NPE in 1.9.14
#38 opened by GiraffeCubed - 2
Problem with lastest SkRayfall version in lastest 1.13.2
#39 opened by DevilishDante