- 2
Can't compare a color with a color
#6508 opened by AKtomik - 6
BUg report
#6509 opened by Itzgamer5454 - 3
ExprRandom missing canInitSafely
#6511 opened by Gabryxplay15 - 2
Regions are not Serializable
#6539 opened by DaanProrex - 7
Add middle click event
#6540 opened by AlliSite - 1
%entitytype% may return null
#6541 opened by Anarchick - 1
#6513 opened by Killeranklesvr - 3
`send "%var% <any text>"` throws a `java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed`
#6514 opened by stedwesd - 4
Internal error when running command. Console
#6515 opened by Valocai - 3
Trojan Phonzy.B - last update | fake positive ???
#6519 opened by yzz17 - 2
Setting default variable states with %player's uuid% results in an error.
#6520 opened by Zaphara94 - 3
ItemType with enchantments expression
#6522 opened by ShaneBeee - 4
Item Builder Section
#6536 opened by erenkarakal - 2
[SUGGESTION] loop savers
#6537 opened by 7othifaPS - 1
How do I write Hex code in skript!?
#6543 opened by SkVL4D - 3
An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
#6544 opened by ItzSquidoWasTaken - 4
Player Teleportation Bug when an entity rides the player
#6545 opened by DevXeiji - 2
named atribute doesnt work..
#6546 opened by SkVL4D - 2
Replace using regex
#6547 opened by 7othifaPS - 1
Set line | doesn't work on: bamboo/cherry sign | and | hangingĀ“s: crimson warped |
#6553 opened by yzz17 - 5
Server randomy crashes
#6554 opened by Blizzmond - 4
NotSerializableException when using "end rod" aliases/visual effect
#6555 opened by Fusezion - 8
Multiple Permissions in a command
#6560 opened by EquipableMC - 0
Extraneous [the] in hotbar slot expression.
#6563 opened by Moderocky - 3
Add dependencies section to skripts
#6564 opened by Palgia - 4
New event "on any event:"
#6565 opened by AlliSite - 0
Item Cooldown Event
#6569 opened by 7othifaPS - 5
List Variable Is Empty Suggestion
#6608 opened by MissingReports - 3
Wrong error message regarding hastags.
#6581 opened by xSlate6588 - 4
suggestion: on click Hold
#6584 opened by notdialed - 2
Add syntax for armor stand features
#6597 opened by sovdeeth - 4
Eating away TPS
#6598 opened by Blizzmond - 3
variable local storage improvement
#6599 opened by corrupteddroid - 5
Add On Interact:
#6601 opened by BearBuilds - 2
Syntax for client-side blocks disapearing.
#6603 opened by TrixzyMc - 9
'If' statements additions
#6605 opened by MissingReports - 1
Add an optional [dyed %color%] when setting player's armor.
#6606 opened by Asleeepp - 1
Legacy Code Tracker
#6641 opened by sovdeeth - 4
unexpected repair/damage behaviour
#6643 opened by rudde0 - 2
Skript world changing error
#6610 opened by ImTheLeviDR - 4
`nearest entity` expression throws stack trace when used as a LivingEntity
#6612 opened by cheeezburga - 6
Builder Pattern but skripty
#6615 opened by 7othifaPS - 3
Add version to Skript JARs
#6622 opened by Romitou - 4
Vehicle Steer Event
#6620 opened by EquipableMC - 0
Arithmetic returning Object when multiple valid operations causing unexpected parsing
#6623 opened by sovdeeth - 6
Error while reloading script with command argument that doesn't exists
#6625 opened by TheGallium - 1
Update Paper API to 1.20.6
#6629 opened by NotSoDelayed - 18
large_smoke particle generates error on Paper/Spigot 1.20.6
#6635 opened by SlimeDog - 7
#6634 opened by AllawiEZ - 3
NoClassDefFound Error
#6636 opened by TabZz147