- 17
Top Balance Placeholders Don't Work
#861 opened by Reese14 - 1
Fix extra space
#862 opened by lokka30 - 1
Combining mod and plugin
#864 opened by JoVlaX - 2
CHUNK placeholder VAULT lags
#807 opened by Bricec6 - 1
Issue attempting to check for latest version
#808 opened by srnyx - 1
General Stacking API
#809 opened by BONNe - 2
Does the current release support 1.16?
#810 opened by Sven65 - 1
The restrictions on the number of WG privates don't work.
#811 opened by Awec0m - 3
1.16.x Support?
#812 opened by srnyx - 1
My vault is in conflict with LegendChat
#813 opened by MarcusRai - 1
Configuration to enable int values only?
#814 opened by johnsoncui02 - 1
Vault fails to load
#816 opened by retep998 - 1
Class class net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission
#815 opened by Blandix - 1
Vault v1.7.3-b131 not depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin
#820 opened by Bloodlex - 1
Items class disappeared when I updated Vault
#821 opened by reesercollins - 1
Could not load "plugins/Vault.jar"
#822 opened by crimsonKss - 0
vault not loading
#824 opened by qwertyuiop123213 - 0
building from source
#825 opened - 1
Players Unable to do /bal or related commands even with permissions
#826 opened by Sl1pstr3am - 1
Vault causes server to crash 15 minutes after update check
#827 opened by Mobmaker55 - 2
Placeholder "vault_prefix_color" & "vault_suffix_color" do not support hex color codes
#828 opened by tjalp - 1
Help with the econ
#829 opened by DumbChicken - 1
Vault bugs claims
#831 opened by bouchbi - 1
Vault causes garbage in the logs
#832 opened by WINGS-N - 2
Glitch on Vault placeholders when value is "0.001"
#833 opened by Tomi010817 - 1
Does current build support Spigot 1.12.2?
#834 opened by HaloSense - 2
Vault disabled but enabled at the same time?
#835 opened by theprodigy19444 - 1
%vault_eco_top_rank% is blank
#836 opened by JHarris12345 - 4
Version displays incorrect build value
#837 opened by SlimeDog - 2
[Feature Request / idea] Permissions plugin hooking into Vault
#839 opened by EmnichtdaYT - 9
Maven |
#838 opened by ajh123 - 0
12.24ms for Vault::Event: net.milkbowl.vault.Vault$VaultListener (PlayerJoinEvent) ?
#840 opened by Klay4 - 3
what perm plugins are at 1.16.4 are available?
#841 opened by Bumshifu - 1
Vault Spawners Disabled
#842 opened by redhatboy1 - 3
[00:39:59 ERROR]: [PlaceholderAPI] expansion class VaultExpansion is outdated
#843 opened by Drkiller99 - 2
Vault and Luckperms
#844 opened by Sebyyke - 1
LuckPerms x Vault Issue
#845 opened by Sebyyke - 1
1.16.5 ERROR
#846 opened - 2
Placeholders on deluxemenu
#847 opened by uLyPANNN - 1
Vault-Conversion Not Working
#848 opened by Miroluvswii - 1
I can't break blocks in creative
#849 opened by razzzk - 4
Could not load 'plugins/Vault.jar' in folder 'plugins'
#850 opened by psyu - 8
vault Expand
#851 opened by XiaoJie-150 - 7
Update for Version 1.17
#853 opened by Pretoreaner - 0
Update Vault's version compatibility on
#854 opened by combe15 - 2
Might be a little information may it helps for 1.17.1
#855 opened by CloudeLecaw - 0
I am using vault's latest version despite of that it is showing: ] Vault was found but economy engine is missing. Use one from list provided in
#856 opened by RageNation-Network - 1
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") is always null
#858 opened by Patfreeze - 0
"Vault não encontrado"
#859 opened by yXablauS2 - 1
not work in 1.17
#860 opened by TheCorrupterDev