


Configure world-specific game modes, allow players to switch game modes, and restrict inventory carry-over when switching from creative mode.

Whats New?

Version 2.4 adds a console-only command to check a player's WorldModes permissions.

Version 2.3 adds the ability for the plugin to update itself and to send anonymous usage statistics. Both are optional and can be turned off by adding 'settings.disable-updates' and 'settings.disable-stats' to config.yml respectively.

As of version 2.1, you no longer need BaseBukkitPlugin.jar in your plugin folder. In fact, please remove this file when upgrading to version 2.1 or higher. WorldModes will automatically download and install this library when it detects that it is missing or has been updated. If you need to manually install the jar, download it from the github release directory and move it to the WorldModes folder. Do not install it in the plugin folder!

NOTE: When upgrading to version 1.8 or later, change your permissions as below (worldmodes.survival and worldmodes.creative become worldmode.mode.survival and worldmodes.mode.creative respectively)

This plugin allows server administrators to enforce world-specific game modes. The plugin can also manage inventories for certain players by restoring an inventory when switching back from creative mode. It is lightweight and works based on the following permissions that can be assigned for groups or players on a per-world basis.

General and game-mode restricting permissions:

  • worldmodes.*: a player or groups with this permission can do anything in either creative or survival mode
  • worldmodes.mode.*: players or groups with this permisison can be in either creative or survival mode
  • worldmodes.mode.creative: a player or groups with this permission can only be in creative mode
  • worldmodes.mode.survival: a player or groups with this permission can only be in survival mode
  • worldmodes.autoset.survival: a player with this permission will automatically be switched to survival mode regardless of their ability to change it (note, the player must have 'worldmodes.survival' set)
  • worldmodes.autoset.creative: a player with this permission will automatically be switched to creative mode regardless of their ability to change it (note, the player must have 'worldmodes.creative' set)

The plugin provides the gamemode command to players based on the following permissions:

  • worldmodes.set.*: allows a player to set their own and anyone else's game mode
  • worldmodes.set.self: allows a player to change their own game mode
  • worldmodes.set.others: allows a player to change everyone else's game mode
  • worldmodes.set.<group>: allows a player to change the game mode of players in that group

The following permissions can be used to manage inventories when switching between game modes:

  • worldmodes.drop: allows players to drop items and to access chests and dispensers in creative mode
  • worldmodes.keep-inventory: allows players to retain their inventory when switching out of creative mode

Note that the 'worldmodes.drop' permission does not fully protect from cheating as players can still use crafting benches and furnaces.

Command Usage:

  • /gm : toggle your own game mode
  • /gm <game mode> : set you game mode to the specified mode
  • /gm <player> : toggle player's game mode
  • /gm <player> <game mode> : set player's game mode to the specified mode

Game modes can be specified as follows:

  • SURVIVAL : the number 0 or any word starting with s
  • CREATIVE: the number 1 or any word starting with c

The actual command registered is 'gamemode' and its aliases are 'gm', 'gmt', and 'gms' command: gm check <player>: dump a player's WorldModes permissions


Obviously, you need to run a 1.8 compatible CB build (1370 and above) and a permission plugin. WorldModes supports Bukkit's permissions, Permissions, PermissionsEx, and GroupManager.

You may also want to look into running a world-specific inventory plugin like MultiInv!

How to get help