- 1
Unhandled exception in version 2.0
#1 opened by fultrim - 16
The case of the perminate inventory.
#2 opened by Sk8Sanctified - 3
The game mode change was cancelled!
#3 opened by Diamondsplox - 1
Could not pass event PLAYER_GAME_MODE_CHANGE
#4 opened by alexander7567 - 3
Unable to get newly installed worldmode to work.
#5 opened by inviktus - 5
Game mode will not change
#6 opened by ArcanoxDragon - 4
If autoset permission is given to a user, autoset that mode
#7 opened by contre - 2
Creative players can access furnaces
#8 opened by contre - 2
worldmodes to multiinv
#9 opened by dralletje - 3
gamemodes.autoset.XXXXX isn't working with PEX
#10 opened by fultrim - 0
unable to manually change gamemode, automatic not reliable
#11 opened by paulj1x - 1
inventory restore doesn't restore enchantments
#12 opened by MercAB3 - 1
Changing Another user's Game Mode (Possible Conflict With Essentials)
#13 opened by mrcomputeranswers