

Tools For Almost All The Ores compatibility

Tools For Almost All The Ores compatibility

Showcasing compatibility between DangerZone and TFAATO
Salt tooltip

Salt tooltip

Put a salt block in the furnace and add some salt to your food! Forget what the doctors say, this is Minecraft! :)
Emerald Pickaxe Recipe

Emerald Pickaxe Recipe

This is how you craft the Emerald Pickaxe
Amethyst Block Wall

Amethyst Block Wall

A great block to build with
Amethyst Armor

Amethyst Armor

Looks very purple
Amethyst Ore and Block wall

Amethyst Ore and Block wall

Showcasing the Amethyst Block and Amethyst Ore
All Items so far as of 1.1.0

All Items so far as of 1.1.0

This is all the items in the game as of taking this ss
Pam's Harvestcraft food core mod compatibility

Pam's Harvestcraft food core mod compatibility

Showcasing the compatibility between our mod and Pam's Harvest Craft food core
Amethyst Chestplate Recipe

Amethyst Chestplate Recipe

This is the recipe for Amethyst Chestplate
Emerald Axe Recipe

Emerald Axe Recipe

This is how you craft the Emerald Axe
Salt Blast furnace recipe

Salt Blast furnace recipe

This is the recipe for salt in the blast furnace
Amethyst Ore gen

Amethyst Ore gen

Amethyst Ore in it's natural habitat
Amethyst Ore and Block wall

Amethyst Ore and Block wall

Showcasing the Amethyst Block and Amethyst Ore