



Adds DangerZone and it's mods to minecraft

Dangerzone is a game made by Richard Clark witch can be download here

⚠️This mod is a wip


Download link to the latest build (PlanetMinecraft)

It is currently only available for 1.16.1,2,4 and 5, but other versions are being worked on the main version that is currently being developed in 1.16.5


To build the mod, you must git checkout the branch of the version you would like to build.


our License All Rights Reserved so pls follow the following terms:
-You may use this mod in modpacks that follow Mojang EULA
-You may use this mod in videos as long as it leaves a link back to the download page so that viewers may download the mod if they wish
-You may not copy/steal/redistribute any assets from my mod to use in another mod/add-on
-Do not claim this mod as your own
-You may not repost this mod on other mod hosting sites. If you wish to have this mod on a mod hosting site let me know