- 6
Config option for mature seeds only
#164 opened by Timeslice42 - 3
"Require Rakes" option is too "soft"
#165 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
About the Agricultural Journal
#169 opened by TunkShif - 2
In MineTweaker scripts, setting max brightness to 16 should be allowed
#173 opened by HMPerson1 - 3
[Enhancement] Reduce number of NEI entries
#171 opened by nrllewellyn - 4
[Enhancement] Option to pass identified seeds through seed analyzer
#172 opened by nrllewellyn - 4
[Enhancement] Allow Blood Magic Rituals to Harvest Crops
#175 opened by WayofTime - 3
Quartz Grains
#174 opened by Maelstraz - 1
Request: Crops have a chance of consuming the block below the soil
#179 opened by BBoldt - 3
Suggestion: More ic2-ish behavior when mutating
#177 opened by BBoldt - 2
Fix standalone crops
#178 opened by BBoldt - 0
Hoe of Growth Compatability
#181 opened by timidx3 - 8
Crash at startup (java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: seedBeet)
#182 opened by eranor - 1
support for Magical crops 4
#183 opened by ShawnRHayes - 2
Crash with PlantMegaPack 4.16+
#185 opened by SethWilliamson - 3
Mutation/spread breeding does not check configuration max stats
#188 opened by Heytunk - 3
NoSuchFieldError:SeedBeet Crash
#186 opened by MtnDrew - 10
Forestry squeezer compatibility
#187 opened by BBoldt - 2
Custom Crop Texture Probs
#189 opened by teamMK - 3
Modpack: Initialization Crash
#190 opened by Xiaminou - 3
Startup Crash
#194 opened by RagaRBM - 4
Compatiblity Question
#195 opened by Speiger - 14
Seed Analyzer Disconnecting Client
#196 opened by felda - 13
Rework soils and base blocks
#197 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Pneumaticraft crops
#198 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
AppleMilkTea support
#199 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
RotaryCraft Canola
#200 opened by InfinityRaider - 4
#201 opened by lightning02 - 1
BluePower Flax
#202 opened by Wyldern - 2
Crash with Fossils & Archeology Revival
#203 opened by AntiDruid - 0
Game Crash: Custom ModPack - Minecraft 1.7.10, Forge 13.3.1403
#204 opened by MBfromOK - 9
No strawberry seeds mutation
#206 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
hand rake
#207 opened by bookerthegeek - 2
Trees break irrigation channels
#208 opened by cinnamennen - 1
ExtrabiomesXL support
#209 opened by tgstyle - 10
Biomes O' Plenty Support
#210 opened by WolfieWaffle - 7
Botania Alternate Textures Support
#211 opened by WolfieWaffle - 3
Growth Rate Config
#212 opened by WolfieWaffle - 7
Allow exceptions to disabled vanilla farming
#213 opened by Timeslice42 - 2
Read agricultural journal from seed analyzer
#214 opened by Maelstraz - 1
bug or feature with bone meal
#215 opened by DirkSch - 3
Crash after analyzing seeds
#216 opened by Arm123ea - 1
Weed Killer
#217 opened by SgtHotshot - 1
Shearing some crops drops the flower
#219 opened by WolfieWaffle - 1
Horn of the Wild (Botania) Compatibility
#220 opened by Croebh - 1
Enabling resource crops on server causes client connection issues
#221 opened by Feone - 2
Calling client-side code on server side
#223 opened by iarspider - 7
IndexOutOfBoundsException on server startup (possibly Minefactory Reloaded)
#224 opened by stardustrider - 5
Resource crops wont spread
#225 opened by l2edeyejedi - 6
Missing Optionals for alchemicalWizardry.[...].IHarvestHandler
#226 opened by asiekierka