- 1
[1.4.0-beta] CustomCrops configuration file ignores metadata.
#401 opened by OneEyeMaker - 5
Harvest-on-rightclick conflicts with mutating sprig
#402 opened by kutschkem - 3
Bugged textures with resources seeds
#403 opened by Nora465 - 4
API jar is a requested download on Curse Voice Launcher
#405 opened by AlexPlus117 - 4
AgriCraft crash report
#406 opened by CitiesXL2815 - 3
Crash upon updating to 1.4.0
#408 opened by SkullyGamingMC - 18
Rendering issues with various Agricraft blocks
#400 opened by tntblockman - 3
Wooden Water Tank cannot accept water
#412 opened by Armigus - 0
Add undiscovered mutations to the journal
#413 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Plant clipping
#414 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Add 4th difficulty setting
#415 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
- 0
Decouple Difficulty config setting
#417 opened by InfinityRaider - 0
Add hardcore difficulty setting
#418 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
Magical Fertilizer from Magical Crops: Core
#419 opened by SkullyGamingMC - 1
Wrong rendering type of Custom crops.
#420 opened by OneEyeMaker - 2
[Suggestion] Sprinkler Settings
#421 opened by Neodark7 - 0
Mutations not getting synced to client when connecting to a LAN game
#411 opened by InfinityRaider - 3
Crop Mutation and Config issues.
#428 opened by VT-14 - 1
#429 opened by therealericbj - 5
CC Analyzer as turtle peripheral
#423 opened by callmebackdraft - 3
getSoilRequirement() method for CC seedAnalyzer
#422 opened by callmebackdraft - 1
Crops not pulling up on walia
#424 opened by Fadenfire - 2
Mutations for Thaumcraft Crops
#425 opened by SkullyGamingMC - 1
[Suggestion] Auto generate seeds that have no textures..?
#426 opened by koalalord9999 - 6
Crash after adding to pack
#427 opened by jatman8 - 2
I Can't Get Brown Mushroom Spores to Grow Naturally
#430 opened by VT-14 - 9
Performance issues when using irrigation system
#436 opened by xtremeqg - 4
Severe lag spikes on block updates
#435 opened by xtremeqg - 4
Allow modify drops of vanilla crops?
#437 opened by nephatrine - 1
Crash with constructing multiblock tank
#431 opened by RedsaphirCZ - 1
Compatibility with Botanical Add-Ons
#432 opened by SkullyGamingMC - 2
Crash when automating seed analyzer
#441 opened by drz2k - 1
Irrigation channel & tank not changing water level
#442 opened by Spectrekillol - 1
Minetweaker Fertilizer Request
#443 opened by SkullyGamingMC - 8
slow growth even though max stats
#444 opened by blarghhh - 7
option to set custom stats/ranks
#446 opened by InkDragon - 1
Psychedelicraft issue
#438 opened by GrayCountertop - 3
Wooden tank multiblocks unstable.
#439 opened by Armigus - 2
Seed storage bug
#440 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 5
(low priority) harvestcraft blackberries returning natura's item instead of own berries
#450 opened by usafphoenix - 4
Weeds refuse to be disabled
#451 opened by xenoflot - 4
Seed Storage Disconnects from Server
#447 opened by ChromeMystic - 9
Server crash - Placing a hopper under a seed analyzer pointing into a seed chest.
#448 opened by ProsperCraft - 8
Add Jabba Dolly Support to Seed Storage
#449 opened by ChromeMystic - 6
ticking entity crash when placing water tank
#452 opened by tyler489 - 3
API.isEmpty() returns inverted result
#453 opened by HenryLoenwind - 10
API.isWeeds() doesn't clear after weeding with API.removeWeeds()
#454 opened by HenryLoenwind - 7
Add isAnalyzed() and analyze() methods to API
#455 opened by HenryLoenwind - 10
1.4.4 java.lang.NullPointerException
#456 opened by SvEgiiVEteR