- 4
Flickering When Using NostalgiaTweaks (default settings)
#109 opened by ProjIss - 0
The Watcher Causes Lag on multiplayer
#138 opened by Pumpkteer - 1
caves biome not generated
#135 opened by Azterio - 1
Watchers have no possession cooldown making fighting multiple at once impossible
#136 opened by DENOBODY2 - 0
Tremorsaurus When Ridden Unable to Step up Small Blocks or 1 Block
#137 opened by DENOBODY2 - 1
[1.20.1 Forge] Replace Entity Data Accessors with Forge Capability
#110 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 0
cloak/hood of darkness ability works in boats during daylight
#111 opened by chasthorizon - 0
galena gauntlet player display error
#112 opened by chasthorizon - 1
Slabs, Dirt paths, Snow, Trap doors cant be naturally walked on and haved to jump to get over or on top of, Using Modrinth App
#114 opened by TRDameon - 0
Abyssal Chasm generates weird when intersecting with normal caves
#113 opened by Jasdernn - 3
Nuclear bomb blast radius setting
#115 opened by SireOfTheQuags - 6
Alex's Caves incompatibility with Pehkui size scaling
#116 opened by Kryllex - 0
Forsakens gets bodied by vanilla iron golems!!??????
#117 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
crash report: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ' net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityEvent$Size.getOldSize()'
#118 opened by ElRuso0 - 4
Abyssal Chasm Never Generates
#119 opened by bobs911 - 0
Tube Worms can generate in illegal ways
#120 opened by Jasdernn - 1
Weird controls on Magnetic Surfaces
#139 opened by shromide - 1
cant walk up non-full blocks anymore when mod is installed
#122 opened by dudeguy57 - 0
Random spots in the Abyssal Chasm are without water
#121 opened by Jasdernn - 2
Glow Ink Bombs give you blindness forever and make everything above water look foggy
#123 opened by Jasdernn - 0
Magnetic Quarry makes glass sounds when broken
#124 opened by Temosaurus - 1
Crash report Description: Initializing game
#125 opened by Gatetoh - 0
EpicFight 20.5.13 incompatibility with cave maps
#126 opened by therealflyguy - 4
Mobs with IK fall through the ground in superflat worlds
#128 opened by PCAwesomeness - 1
Magnetic Quarry incompatible with Create
#129 opened by SirWeebsalot - 1
Vallumraptors continue to attack players who switch to Creative mode
#127 opened by PCAwesomeness - 2
Large dinos sink into the ground on superflat worlds
#130 opened by Temosaurus - 0
Alex’s Caves Vanilla Ores sounds do not match the block their base is
#131 opened by Inonedn - 7
Cinder Blocks Weird Textures
#132 opened by SuperStefan97 - 2
Extra citadel space station renders/appears when riding subterranadon
#133 opened by DENOBODY2 - 0
Cyan Radon Lamp not craftable
#134 opened by Kitteh6660 - 0
Tremorsaurus Bugs/Glitches
#147 opened by FietDit - 1
Mobs turning invisible - Client mod incompatibility [?]
#148 opened by Crazy-Elipsis - 3
The game crush when the Nage generate in The Twilight Forest
#140 opened by TLzyin - 14
Cave Biomes do not generate in large modpacks
#141 opened by enzogfaria - 0
Cloak & Hood of Darkness ability don't work in survival mode
#142 opened by Liamgrayskull - 0
Performance issue causing empty screen
#143 opened by GauntAndreX8 - 2
Siren sound issue
#144 opened by Rowan0001 - 1
Mob spawning crashing, Book crashing, Worldgen crashing
#145 opened by ThyHeroBro - 0
water logged rebar gets deleted on water drain
#146 opened by lechkingofdead - 1
Magnetic Caves idle persists outside of biome
#154 opened by StrangerDanger5811 - 0
Nuclear Detonator Duplicates when used to arm a Nuke in Creative Mode
#149 opened by Jasdernn - 0
Some biomes spawn way to small
#150 opened by Jasdernn - 11
My game doesn't launch, it crashes instantly
#151 opened by imklio - 0
Acid Lakes generate with random divots in them
#152 opened by Jasdernn - 0
Acid features spawn floating
#153 opened by Jasdernn - 1
Supplimentaries "Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.resources.model.Material.m_119204_()"" crash
#156 opened by HaizUber - 3
Alex Caves 1.0.3 biomes not generating? due to BetterX world type/Dawn API?
#155 opened by HaizUber - 1
Irradiated Aura Glow FPS drop
#157 opened by DonorKrovi - 0
CME crash when Iron Golem killed Nucleeper
#158 opened by Kasualix