- 0
terrain generation issues in abyssal chasm
#66 opened by chasthorizon - 1
Incompatible with Forge version 47.1.13 Due to Crashing On World Generation
#67 opened by PlasmaPerson - 0
Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.core.Holder.m_203656_(net.minecraft.tags.TagKey)" because "p_205834_" is null
#68 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
music/ambience keep playing after respawn if died in ales's caves
#57 opened by H2GamingTW - 1
Alex's Caves1.0.1 Crash with The Twilight Forest
#58 opened by MiracleBelief - 1
Nearby mobs turn invisible when using Ray Gun
#59 opened by Temosaurus - 1
[1.20.1] Crash when entering Singleplayer world.
#60 opened by Gbergz - 1
Nuke sound never stops and magnetic affect pulls you into the ground
#61 opened by Aradillo27 - 0
Grottoceratops and Subterranodon take up excessive tps usage
#62 opened by Inonedn - 3
game keeps crashing for no reason
#64 opened by balls43 - 3
Can't step up on small blocks
#63 opened by Inonedn - 1
Beholder can see through blocks potentially exposing hidden treasure when spamming F5
#65 opened by chasthorizon - 0
[1.20.1 Forge] Cave biomes are not tagged as forge:is_cave
#104 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
Hunger permanently constantly draining until death
#103 opened by Inonedn - 1
Cobblemon Incompatibility
#105 opened by A00826925 - 2
Some Structures spawn in walls
#106 opened by Jasdernn - 2
All vanilla biome tags missing except `#minecraft:is_deep_ocean`
#107 opened by Apollounknowndev - 5
Tectonic conflicts with the Abyssal Chasm
#108 opened by AvengingFish - 4
Crashing once hovering over pottery shards
#70 opened by pony-memes - 1
Crash generating chunk / new world
#71 opened by A00826925 - 1
Invisible Siren around 0x 0y 0z
#72 opened by HoneyHiveUnderscore - 3
unable to walk over slabs, stairs, carpets, etc,
#73 opened by azazrl - 0
Abyssal Chasm under Frozen oceans leave huge pillars up to icebergs.
#74 opened by Keneoo - 1
Gammaroach cant climb up blocks.
#75 opened by zezinkkk - 1
game crashes randomly
#76 opened by KnotZero - 3
Rubidium crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite.m_118367_(double)
#78 opened by AlexModGuy - 1
Crash when landing subterranodon
#77 opened by Skiafray - 1
crouching makes camera stay crouched even when not crouching. same for swimming
#79 opened by IWentLucid - 1
Alex's Caves (alexscaves) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#80 opened by GanyusBathWater - 0
Game Crashed while opening creative tabs
#81 opened by Smoker120900 - 1
Position Freezing on Forge 47.1.3
#82 opened by LordJackalope - 1
crashed the game
#83 opened by Azterio - 12
incompatible with Twigs & Etcetera
#84 opened by Jasdernn - 0
Hood and Cloak of Darkness just bug the armor stand.
#85 opened by zezinkkk - 1
Shipwrecks spawn floating in the water in Abyssal Chasms
#86 opened by Jasdernn - 0
Pewen logs, Pewen Wood cannot be smelted into charcoal
#87 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Incompatible with Nostalgic Tweaks
#89 opened by MochiVN634 - 3
I can't walk up slabs or stairs
#88 opened by LarkyMC - 3
Game Crashes when Opening the Cave Compendium
#90 opened by autumnly24 - 0
Abyssal Chasm generation conflict with Apollo's Deeper Oceans mod/datapack
#92 opened by ErakAcheron - 5
World stops loading before the caves.
#93 opened by NotAPotter - 2
Config Suggestion
#94 opened by FietDit - 1
Magnetic Caves items crash
#95 opened by Smoker120900 - 2
cannot travel up stairs/slabs without jumping + lag spikes when exploring new chunks
#96 opened by griato - 0
Cannot use Holocoder on untamed horses
#97 opened by ttecnomaster - 2
Bugs out armor models both in mod and with others
#98 opened by BlueSilkwing13 - 0
Cave Map Biome Text Is Too Big
#99 opened by mrbadperson - 4
Error code 1, not having any other mods installed than Citadel
#100 opened by javex412 - 1
Caves 1.0.3 not spawning any type of biome
#101 opened by tacosalfornoh - 1
Player can get Irradiated by standing over a Toxic Cave biome, regardless if they are far away and cannot see it
#102 opened by Inonedn