Ambience Blocks

Ambience Blocks


[Suggestion] Some sort of visual bounding box.

SonicX8000 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I was wondering if some sort of visual could be shown for the radius if using sphere/cylinder/capsule/cubic options under 'Bounds'. It could be a button option for the current Ambience Block you're messing with just so you can avoid overlapping ambience sounds.

Something like this bounding box that the Mega Torch from Torchmaster shows when you right-click it with a dye.


I actually wanted to add this in debug mode before but it proved difficult for any bounds other than cubic.
But I haven't given up on it yet, I think it will be finished when I'm done with porting to 1.17.
I didn't think of putting the option to show the block's bounds directly into the bounds tab so I'll definitely take that into account too.

Thank you for the suggestion!