- 1
[1.12.2] Texture Hud oddity with the Debug Mode.
#1 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
[Suggestion] Some sort of visual bounding box.
#2 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
Block data is lost when updating world version
#3 opened by alfred567 - 1
[1.12.2] Sound doesn't loop
#4 opened by cobaltw - 2
[Suggestion] Play once
#5 opened by SteaSteaStea - 1
[Suggestion] Global sound
#6 opened by SteaSteaStea - 2
[BUG] Error while Updating Screen Events
#7 opened by Delfite - 0
Some categories reset to master after confirming changes
#8 opened by Mustached-Man - 0
[Suggestion] Scroll bar
#9 opened by SteaSteaStea - 0
Missing lang strings
#10 opened by nocturni - 0
Add a way to prevent players from modifying the ambience blocks
#11 opened by nocturni