- 2
Enhancement - Allow tree farm to accept Thaumcraft saplings
#348 opened by Alaberti - 3
All NPCs Breaking Server When Approached
#347 opened by EiraTenn - 2
Enhancement - Mob spawner type/int ??
#346 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 0
Shipwright NPC and Naval Yard control block
#345 opened by xlegiofalco - 5
Gates not being destroyed
#344 opened by KC-Saber - 1
Client Crash During Structure Generation
#343 opened by bcole90 - 3
Overeager medics
#342 opened by Chadramar - 3
Question - Why do gates vanish?
#341 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 3
Question - Music/SFX block?
#340 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 1
Client Crash when placing an NPC
#339 opened by Sandriell - 3
Tile Entity Exception notification in console
#338 opened by Alaberti - 1
My npc are ignoring commands and just sitting in the village hall?
#337 opened by mattcash - 2
Lowered Drawbridge has no physics?
#336 opened by Atyka - 0
Crash bug - prevents old worlds from reopening ?????
#334 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 1
Crash with latest version of AW
#333 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 1
Crash On a Server
#332 opened - 2
Ticking entity
#331 opened by NoobTaco - 0
Balance: Increase torque consumption by civics
#330 opened by gstv87 - 4
Balancing request
#329 opened - 0
Animal Farm config reset
#328 opened by Chadramar - 2
Server crash: Structure generation in "empty" dimension
#327 opened by MaHuJa - 1
town structures
#326 opened by gstv87 - 2
Grinding wheel for flour and powders
#325 opened by yelsew5 - 2
Feature Request: Make water wheels multiblock like windmills
#323 opened by GreatOrator - 0
Add item
#322 opened by pollo77 - 2
Priests won't resurrect if they had been interrupted.
#321 opened by Sandriell - 1
Warehouse not working, I think.
#320 opened by Tushy - 0
Creative Mode Deletes Items from packs
#319 opened by ChibiCD - 1
Crash when launching game
#318 opened by Dfox444 - 2
Question - What does a mod have to do for AW Spawner blocks to see it?
#317 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 2
Couriers not working
#316 opened by BlazeGaming007 - 4
Make Couriers (Or another NPC) able to activate Items
#315 opened by TrenceJ - 1
I downloaded this mod 5 times and NOT ONE siege engine can be found. NEED HELP.
#314 opened by Warlordkane - 3
Scanned Mob Spawner blocks do not function
#313 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 1
Mob spawner blocks changing info when opened.
#312 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 1
Interactions/usage are bound to physical right-click, not the "use" keybinding
#311 opened by keybounce - 3
Enhancement_ chef
#310 opened by tyicepaws - 0
NPC Recipes
#309 opened by XplosionGamer - 3
Resetting Config - Faction NPC targetting
#308 opened by MohawkyMagoo - 4
Upkeep order keeps crashing
#307 opened by YoungShinji - 0
Enhancement: Combat NPC Fighting Stance/Style
#306 opened by Thessil - 2
Every Time I try to open the research book, My game crashes.
#305 opened by TikiMaster43 - 0
My Minecraft keeps crashing everytime I try to use the Farm Blocks
#304 opened by Warlordkane - 3
warehouse interface block won't put items in the warhouse
#303 opened by metus1 - 5
Enhancement: Define Paths with a tool.
#302 opened by Overwatching - 1
Have researched, book tells me research is still needed.
#301 opened by welcor - 2
Wiki unavailable - subscription has run out
#300 opened by welcor - 1
AI Quirks of NPC's (Combat) and 2 suggestions
#298 opened by Merithor - 8
Crash when right clicking to open work orders
#297 opened by Unspec7 - 1
Allow NPC targeting of any entity?
#296 opened by brennan-thomas