- 1
This will crash on servers
#4 opened by Tamaized - 2
FloatyText speed is based on FPS
#6 opened by Tamaized - 2
Add Sound Effects
#5 opened by Tamaized - 7
display issue
#7 opened by Vladimirun - 4
Crash client when use spell
#8 opened by Vladimirun - 2
Server crash
#9 opened by KamiSami - 4
Textureless block and skills
#10 opened by KamiSami - 1
Not for not widescreen monitors.
#11 opened by Foghrye4 - 0
Seems the exp config option is ignored and always enabled
#13 opened by Tamaized - 0
Cap isnt syncing when switching dimensions
#12 opened by Tamaized - 4
Controls menu crashes game
#14 opened by Jack-Chronicle - 2
Action Bar Config
#15 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Use the Event based Registry
#16 opened by Tamaized - 1
Server crash
#17 opened by KamiSami - 6
Future level progression suggestions
#18 opened by KamiSami - 11
Angelic Block has poor creation checks
#19 opened by NielsPilgaard - 3
Spell targetting height
#20 opened by Zygus42 - 2
ClassCastException in AoVUIBar.render() when view entity is not an EntityPlayer
#21 opened by CplPibald - 0
Overhaul the network
#22 opened by Tamaized - 1
Question: in the future aov have upgraded to f-2281?
#23 opened by kizza5161 - 8
0.5.1 Infinite Gl Error loop in log
#24 opened by mcfilmmakers - 4
Move everything over to a lang file
#25 opened by kizza5161 - 1
Early game stone variant crafting mechanic
#26 opened by Tamaized - 1
#29 opened by Tamaized - 1
Implement Astrologian class
#28 opened by Tamaized - 2
Rebalance everything
#30 opened by Tamaized - 0
Add more render variety
#31 opened by Tamaized - 0
Add a description to the Reset Screen explaining how it works.
#32 opened by Tamaized - 3
Crashes when I use any ability
#27 opened by Zenikackerman - 1
[1.12.2 - 0.6.2] Right Click Key isn't corresponding to KeyBind!
#33 opened by EPIICTHUNDERCAT - 4
AoV 0.7.2 crashes when examining for coremod candidacy
#34 opened by Knito58 - 2
AoV 0.7.3: Visual effects messed up for caster class
#35 opened by Knito58 - 3
Bug: Losing Spells and XP on Death Until Relog/Restart
#36 opened by DinixM - 3
[1.12.2 v0.7.5] Can't pick a class
#37 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 1
[Request] Chat message when levelling up
#38 opened by Shahelion - 7
Duplicate spells in spell book
#39 opened by Shahelion - 1
Abilities don't recharge when visiting the statue.
#40 opened by Dhs92 - 2
Unable to complete Defender skill tree.
#41 opened by RubikMonat - 2
[Request] Stealth Class
#42 opened by bin4rym4ge - 2
[Suggestion] Replace checks instanceof ItemShield with isShield checks
#43 opened by mallrat208 - 1
Visual Artifacts Warning
#44 opened by Shahelion - 1
Spells don't count as player kills
#46 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Translation of zh_tw
#45 opened by sfs131010 - 1
AoV 0.8.3 - Astro loses currently selected cards/modifiers upon disconnect/relog to dedicated server
#47 opened by Not-February - 0
AoV 0.8.3 - using Astro cards/abilities causes visual interference for other players on a server
#48 opened by Not-February - 3
AoV 0.8.3 - Odd WAILA/HWYLA interaction with Astro
#49 opened by Not-February - 1
[Request] TiC Defender support
#50 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Druid Class
#51 opened by Tamaized - 3
[Suggestion] Mob/Mob ability - Quell/Intercession
#53 opened by jonqrandom - 0
[Request] Gamestages integration (or similar)
#54 opened by jonqrandom