- 1
[BUG] [modcompat] [1.20.1] conflict with the vampirism mod
#281 opened by TakehisaYuji - 2
Conflict with fly effect
#279 opened by WarSD - 0
[BUG] [1.20.1]
#278 opened by stephen-daq - 4
[BUG] [1.21] (
#277 opened by Backwasch - 1
[BUG] [1.20.1]
#276 opened by Jaymus3 - 4
[BUG] [1.16.5]
#275 opened by Ninjaboi875 - 1
[BUG] [1.16.5]
#274 opened by ezria955 - 2
Sporadic client crash on boot (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException)
#272 opened by evhub - 0
Mace animation crash issue
#271 opened by tmvkrpxl0 - 2
lava infuser is missing
#270 opened by WEEDMEN - 2
[Question] Will ArmorPlus get a Fabric version?
#269 opened by Rogenar - 2
Mace Textures Missing
#264 opened by amm-boe - 5
[1.18.2] Server crash when specific player moves in the End
#263 opened by michaeldoylecs - 1
Workbench crashes the game
#262 opened by 4b616d696c - 3
Client instantly crashes simply by interacting with the mob trophies
#261 opened by Asveste - 5
The Infused Lava Sword Bug.
#260 opened by Mykosayyad - 6
1.18.2 marked on a 1.18.1-only jar
#259 opened by CDAGaming - 4
[1.18.1 Bug] Issues with entities?
#258 opened by itsdinkd - 5
Tridents summoning lightning without enchantment
#257 opened by Dark-Arcana - 13
[1.16.5] 16.5.0 - Non Effect Providing Armors Throw a null effect when invoked, caused by a null effect list.
#256 opened by TheDarkPreacher - 3
ArmorPlus crashing on load
#255 opened by sauerkrau5 - 7
Localization Issue causes crash
#254 opened by klospk - 1
Fabric Port
#253 opened by Jamalam360 - 7
Recipe of Workbench exists twice in Workbench, only one can be remove with TC integration
#252 opened by Dovahkill - 3
Client Disconnect on Lava Infused Armor Water Break
#250 opened by 57OH - 3
Issues between Better Diving and Reliquary
#249 opened by CloWnicide - 3
[1.16.5] Crash on Pack Boot
#248 opened by TwilightPSN - 5
Items aren't recognized by the /kill command
#247 opened by PhoenixEvolver - 2
Ore Lava Crystal drops two lava crystals? Bug or feature?
#246 opened by HunterPvP013 - 9
- 4
Armor Table removed ?
#244 opened by Switch-Back18 - 31
Game crash en load a World
#243 opened by Switch-Back18 - 1
Render/animation bug
#242 opened by castilio20 - 0
ArmorPlus has several unregistered configuredfeatures
#241 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 13
[Bug] Lava Crystal Ore variants drop themselves instead of the item forms.
#240 opened by JorgeAbrahamCh - 3
Save does not include armourplus:ailments
#239 opened by rose7524 - 5
Crash while loading world, PO3, confirmed with A/B testing.
#238 opened by jonassm - 6
Crashes when using infinity bow. with or without mods
#237 opened by GamersAllusion - 2
Server Crash when loading
#236 opened by Breadabix - 4
[BUG with Tinkers' Construct] Extra Modifier doesn't work
#235 opened by Duorhs - 4
Infuse Lava Armor still get damaged and applies slowness effect even with config switch set to false.
#234 opened by LannyE - 1
[suggestion] add ability for armor to be powered by RF instead of durability usage
#233 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 1
Equiping a full set of armor (same type) crashes my game
#232 opened by assassinwolfx27 - 18
[1.12.2] Can't make Guardian, Superstar or Ender Dragon Tinker Parts? They also have the same stats.
#231 opened by SonicX8000 - 7
basic worktable not removing stuff
#230 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 3
Not an issue, just a question
#229 opened by d0ob - 3
Cobalt armor does not provide any effects
#225 opened by Mac15001900 - 4
Crash with Obsidian armor, potentially other armors too
#224 opened by Cazadorsniper - 10
Enchants above default max level throw errors or crash
#223 opened by Xetaxheb - 1
Crash when Lifesteal >III
#222 opened by Xetaxheb