![Back Tools](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/19/165/256/256/635690969938930030.png)
- 2
Nothing from the mod is showing up
#22 opened by Felix-FTW - 1
cant see backtool
#23 opened by DripPee - 0
SpartanShields Inside Body
#24 opened by RobertHDPotatoes - 2
Cloak / Cape
#32 opened by iAskel - 1
certus_quartz _crystal Causing all clients on the server to crash.
#25 opened by Penguax - 0
Doesn't work well with mr crayfish's gun mod, tools horizontal on back and they're massive
#27 opened by JetpackRescue - 1
Weapon/Tools spinning while using Elytra
#28 opened by n0itLT - 0
Support 1.18.2
#33 opened by guilermt - 1
Item blacklist config
#5 opened by iChun - 5
Crash in 1.16.3
#6 opened by UnRealDinnerbone - 6
Incompatibility with AdoptOpenJDK 14
#7 opened by BugmanBugman - 1
Spinny Tools
#8 opened by manmaed - 1
Whitelist in config?
#9 opened by sabinoplane - 1
Back tools spin while swimming
#10 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 3
[recommendation] add dedicated json format for adding and removing items to black/white list
#11 opened - 1
[1.16.5-10.1.0] Issue when in an horizontal stance
#12 opened by Klinker195 - 3
The tools are staying on the back even though I removed it
#13 opened by Ninezel - 4
shield inside player model + tool spinning while crawling
#14 opened by Wedge1453 - 1
[Question/Issue] No Inventory slots for Tools
#15 opened by ZaneDragonBorn - 1
Forge 2.0
#16 opened by hoknn72 - 5
This interferes with SoundPhysics somehow, 1.16.5-forge-36.1.4
#17 opened by Eleshz - 0
Tools on back do not use optifine/mcpatcher custom textures like when held in hand
#18 opened by Anna-28 - 1
Shield is scaled too big, so much so it goes inside armor
#20 opened by MuffinElZangano - 0
Mowzie's Mobs compatability, graphical issues
#21 opened by gmnovakrc - 2
[Feature Request] Main hand reverse render
#1 opened by sscards55 - 2
Offhand bug
#2 opened by sscards55 - 0
Giant Tools (Immersive Engineering)
#3 opened by lightlike - 2
Shown Iron Shovel when I don't have it
#4 opened by Pythonic-Rainbow