Baleful Reforged is a reboot of the original Baleful, with a new direction, port to 1.17 and major changes.
0.1.5-1.16.1 and forward requires Geckolib and Curios API to run.
0.0.1-1.17.1 doesn't require anything at the moment.
*Not all blocks or items in the mod are currently obtainable, it is recommended to use this mod in Creative mode for now. - 1.16.1
*None of the blocks or items in the mod are obtainable in 1.17.1 , it's only a developer build
Can I include Baleful in a modpack?
-Sure! You don't need to, but it'd be greatly appreciated if you could credit me.
Why are there so little things?
-The mod is in extremely early stages of development, so a ton of features aren't done yet, and I mean A TON.
I encountered a bug.
- Sweet, report it on
Does X mod work with Baleful?
- Test it, it probably does.
Can I make an addon to Baleful?
- If you can deal with my extremely horrible code practices, yes.
Will you add X?
- Depends. You can leave suggestions in my Discord server