- 7
Add setting to resume player control with keypress
#3334 opened by StealthyPony - 1
add so baritone can jump from slab to slab
#3332 opened by MalikPanter - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3333 opened by astelyy - 4
Mining the center of the block
#3335 opened - 2
unhandled exeption
#3336 opened by epixgaming1456 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3337 opened by tomecko1 - 1
Can't see any outlines, no paths ect
#3367 opened by grzegorzkibitz - 12
Small documentation issues
#3369 opened by scorbett123 - 1
Hello! I tried mining with Baritone, but it said that An unhandled exception occured and that i had to report my games log to this page. So here is my Minecraft log
#3370 opened by Blearable - 1
Help commands work but mine doesn't
#3338 opened by bananamanzs - 3
An unhandled exception occurred, the error is in your games log.
#3339 opened by whyeee - 1
Game not starting with Chiseled Me and Chisels And Bits mod activated.
#3340 opened by Denys142 - 16
Game not launching with Chisels And Bits and Chiseled Me mod.
#3341 opened by Denys142 - 2
Baritone crash with Replay Mod (this.a)
#3343 opened by music-cat-bread - 1
#mine doesnt work
#3344 opened by PoogerSCNo24 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3346 opened by Zenker64774 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3345 opened by Zenker64774 - 2
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3347 opened by Zenker64774 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3348 opened by Alane5 - 3
it didnt load
#3349 opened by nightguardian23 - 1
Add a "ShowPath [block]/[coordinates]/[mob]/[player]"
#3350 opened by EFLYT - 6
getting error when i run commands (#mine, #tunnel 2 2 100, etc)
#3351 opened by cornernote - 3
Why would you choose the version number "1.18.3" rather than, what would seem more suitable ""?
#3352 opened by cornernote - 3
won't mine lit_redstone_ore
#3353 opened by cornernote - 3
#mine an unhandled exception occured
#3354 opened by palpex - 1
An unhandled exception ocurred.
#3355 opened by Xoloclip - 2
Baritone not detecting all ores when checking with xray
#3374 opened by JackXuCA - 0
How to properly launch baritone from dev environment
#3361 opened by roguefirework - 3
Idek what the problem is. I guess can't use it. Using newest version of everything literally installed it 10 min ago.
#3362 opened by Gabocota - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3364 opened by aabssmc - 1
mine command not working
#3365 opened by ZGNet - 13
Strip mining feature for 1.18.2
#3393 opened by beartravels - 0
PathEvent.canceled is sent every tick
#3394 opened by scorbett123 - 1
my minecraft (forge) server crashes
#3395 opened by MrFrast - 2
How to Build a Litematic Without All The Materials Required?
#3397 opened by SShaffi1 - 1
make baritone attempt any jump
#3398 opened by Tacocat263 - 3
Baritone tries to place air, and gets stuck in a loop
#3399 opened by XorOwl - 1
[QUESTION] How do i disable this?
#3376 opened by RealmKebab - 0
weird in a modpack (1.18.1)
#3377 opened by IAmUnlgit - 2
launchtweaker jar refmap not remapping properly
#3378 opened by wagyourtail - 3
[1.18.2] `#sel set` crashes
#3379 opened by 5HT2 - 1
Farm command should take an item parameter.
#3380 opened - 1
Game Crashing When Opening a Replay File in Replay mod
#3381 opened by RU-B0 - 3
Baritone wont avoid mobs when pathing even with avoidance = true
#3382 opened by TheCogster409 - 11
Baritone does not mine or's and doesn't detect it
#3383 opened by ZacLiiscool - 1
Baritone Not Moving or Mining
#3384 opened by Darwin-Ford - 6
Baritone auto mining for needed materials once inventory is empty.
#3385 opened by Patutya - 0
onBlockInteract event not working on 1.16.5+
#3386 opened by ZacSharp - 3
1.18.2 baritone can't jump
#3390 opened by Cyr3xHvH - 1
#mine command throw an unhandled exception
#3391 opened by Ptyg