- 1
Ability to customise the main UI buttons (Current PokeDex Percentage, PokeDex Ranks, Missing Pokemon)
#2 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Some times displayed on the required Pokémon are duplicated. Example below is Sandslash
#3 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Formatting on catch rate is a bit strange (the [] and , should be slightly different to the gender imo)
#4 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Ability for the next page button on the required pokemon pages to take you to the first page once when clicked instead of below
#6 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Some biomes displayed are duplicated
#5 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Ability to reload the plugin via command
#1 opened by HackuJacku - 2
Ability for Pokémon caught to be displayed as a specified item instead of the Pokémon sprite in the missing-item UI
#7 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Ability to remove buttons for the different UIs (info-item, missing-item, ETC) from the main menu
#8 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Addition of a back button to the missing-items and rank-items UIs
#9 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Players are receiving the claim-messages even though they have not met the required-percentage for rewards
#10 opened by HackuJacku - 1
The back button is duplicated in the missing-items UI
#11 opened by HackuJacku - 1
After meeting the required-percentage the complete-item is displayed instead of the to-claim-item in the UI
#12 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Some classes fail to load. See comment for errors
#13 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Doesn't happen constantly but error produced when changing page on missing Pokémon
#15 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Some catch rates display a strange symbol after the male percentage
#16 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Pokémon names display as %species% instead of Pokemon name
#17 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Catching a required Pokémon doesn't change the black UI element into the Pokémon's sprite
#18 opened by HackuJacku - 1
Missing Pokemon Pagination Issue
#19 opened by itzrobotix - 0
java.lang.NullPointerException error
#45 opened by tom9110 - 2
Some kind of a logger error
#44 opened by Yorick-06 - 1
Can't claim reward 2.1.7
#22 opened by killerjerick - 0
Page scrolling
#23 opened by danorris709 - 1
- 0
This is a test issue
#21 opened by danorris709 - 1
[1.16-3.0.1] Resizing the UI crashes the server
#25 opened by HackuJacku - 3
[1.16.5-3.0.1] Missing Pokémon UI displayed in the incorrect order
#26 opened by HackuJacku - 1
[1.16.5-3.0.1] Clicking the back button in the rank-rewards UI does not return you to the home UI
#27 opened by HackuJacku - 2
NullPointerException received upon user login.
#29 opened by witchyface - 1
Hex codes aren't parsed in chat messages
#30 opened by HackuJacku - 2
'Next' button on the last page of the Dex pagination times out/crashes the server
#32 opened by Rasgnarok - 1
Server crash on /hunts
#34 opened by Rasgnarok - 0
Placeholder parsers missing on forge16 version
#35 opened by Mike5357 - 1
command no work
#36 opened by joaoespanhol - 2
crash on 1.16.5-3.1.3
#37 opened by vaniron - 0
[Suggestion] Whitelist for OT Pokemon
#38 opened by SnowBlitzz - 1
[Suggestion] - Check for Updated OT
#39 opened by AleGuzAva - 2
[Suggestion] Biome Grouping
#40 opened by SnowBlitzz - 1
close-on-click/commands-executed Not working
#41 opened by FamiliarAsh - 1
Rewards dupe bug while using JSON
#42 opened by SocialCraftNT - 1
Unsupported Crash Version Error
#43 opened by Starrloko - 1
BetterDexRewards Mod Loading Error
#46 opened by Liarc - 2
Default reward config file "one.yml" is being recreated at every server restart
#47 opened by MemencioPerez