BetterDexRewards allows you to design rewards for players that are related to dex completion.
Head over to releases and grab the version that corresponds to the Minecraft server you are running:
For 1.16.5 - BetterDexRewards-Forge-x.x.x-1.16.5.jar
Install this Into your /mods
Default Config
database: # sql database details
pool-name: BetterDexRewards
port: 3306
username: admin
password: password
database: servername
config-interface: # GUI information
title: BetterDexRewards # gui name
height: 6 # gui height
fill-type: BLOCK # Fill style (
one: # the background item
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 15
name: ' '
lore: []
reward-stages: # The stages players get rewards at
x-pos: 1 # gui pos of the display item
y-pos: 1 # gui pos of the display item
display-item: # display item normally
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: This is 1%
lore: []
complete-item: # display item when complete
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: Complete
lore: []
to-claim-item: # Display item when needs claiming
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: Claim me!
lore: []
required-percentage: 1.0 # Percentage required to complete this rank
reward-commands: # The commands performed upon claiming
- give %player% minecraft:diamond 1
reward-messages: # The messages sent upon claiming
- '&e&l(!) &eYou have completed 1% of the dex!'
claim-reminder-message: # Message sent to remain the player they've not claimed their reward yet
- '&e&l(!) &eYou have a PokeDex reward level you can claim!'
claim-update-message: # Message sent upon a new level being able to be claimed
- '&e&l(!) &eYou have a new PokeDex reward level you can claim!'
Config Explanation:
Database settings (This is required for this to function! If you are hosting through a hosting company, you usually get MySQL Databases included)
- Pool-name - Can be left as Is, only change If storing multiple server's ForgeEconomies on the same database server
- IP - IP Address of your MySQL database
- Port - Port of your MySQL database (Default: 3306)
- Username - Username of your MySQL database
- Password - Password of your MySQL database
- Database - Database name of your MySQL database
Reward Stages are defined in the next section
x-pos: 1 # gui pos of the display item
y-pos: 1 # gui pos of the display item
display-item: # display item normally
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: This is 1%
lore: []
complete-item: # display item when complete
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: Complete
lore: []
to-claim-item: # Display item when needs claiming
type: minecraft:stained_glass_pane
amount: 1
damage: 12
name: Claim me!
lore: []
required-percentage: 1.0 # Percentage required to complete this rank
reward-commands: # The commands performed upon claiming
- give %player% minecraft:diamond 1
reward-messages: # The messages sent upon claiming
- '&e&l(!) &eYou have completed 1% of the dex!'
You can copy and paste the block above however you will need to change some stuff as a bare minimum for things to work with each tier you create.
- one (change this to something different for each tier you would like)
- x-pos
- y-pos
- required-percentage
You should also update the following with each tier you create
- name (in display-item)
- reward-commands
- reward-messages
Damage is no longer used in 1.16 so you will need to update the display-item
, complete-item
, and to-claim-item
. This can simply be fixed by removing the damage line entirely and then adding the color you want before stained_glass_pane. For example, red_stained_glass_pane