- 1
[Bug] Eyeball block and eyeball vein doesn't drop anything.
#159 opened by Danielus04 - 1
[Suggestion] YTTR compatibility with BetterNether: Special Biome generation aproach
#158 opened by Shibva - 1
[Suggestion/Bug?] Compatability with YTTR Scorched and Scorched Sumit
#157 opened by Shibva - 1
[Suggestion] Armor Trims
#156 opened by UnknownEntity131 - 2
[Bug] Crashing upon singleplayer world creation
#155 opened by wltrmsfn - 1
[Suggestion] Make Wither Skeletons in Nether Cities wear Cincinnasite Armor and use Cincinnasite tools.
#154 opened by ArenaTek13 - 0
Eyes don't drop the seeds and slime anymore.
#153 opened by HighTiered - 2
[Bug] Endless wither skeleton-spawning in Nether city causing insane Lag
#152 opened by BruhMoment12312 - 3
[Bug] BetterNether Wood Signs do not drop as items when broken after being placed
#151 opened by genram - 1
[Bug] Cincinnasite should be able to be used in stonecutter
#150 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 2
[Bug] Gamecrash when a Quarry tries to destroy the Nether Lapis Ore
#148 opened by Drakune - 5
[Bug] Block Rendering broken in the BetterNether
#147 opened by Bogieloo - 2
Green lines in a radius around me
#145 opened by RiuWaystone - 0
[Bug] missing config options
#144 opened by mateus3c - 2
[Bug] Drops from ores like nether lapis, nether ruby and cincinatti ore don't drop
#143 opened by mhkdepauw - 0
[Bug] Sometimes buildings in the nether city are clipped with anchor tree structures
#142 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 2
[Bug] Many nether city chest/drawers are empty
#141 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 2
[Suggestion] Hook mushroom should spread for farming
#140 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 1
[Bug] Giant Lucis block and Lucis plant bug
#139 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 13
[Bug] Game crash on creating new world when using Biolith
#138 opened by Kasardas - 6
[Bug] Nether Brick Fire Bowl Model (incorrectly) CullFace
#137 opened by winderine - 1
[Bug] Game crash when entering Nether portal
#136 opened by lospejos - 0
[Suggestion] Revamp door item textures to match the proportions of vanilla door item textures
#135 opened by Kitteh6660 - 3
[Incompatibilty] BetterNether wood types not combatible with anything, not even BetterEnd
#134 opened by Atirtra - 4
[Bug] Texture Issue
#133 opened by suerion - 1
- 4
[Bug] You can see through any block with a fully grown ink bush on it.
#130 opened by JENOVAAbsolute - 9
[Bug] ASM mixin error [Fabric 1.19.2]
#129 opened by xR4YM0ND - 0
uk_ua localization
#128 opened by TemaHromosoma - 1
[Suggestion] Wither Skeletons should still drop heads
#127 opened by Pinkietron - 0
[Bug] Infinitely repeating error in log files, bloats to multiple GB in size
#126 opened by illsucuk - 0
#125 opened by Eros-Rogziel - 2
[Bug] leaves not properly textured
#124 opened - 1
[Bug] Cincinnasite Fire Bowls of all variants have an under-block opacity issue.
#123 opened by BillyByrns - 0
[Suggestion] Consistency with vanilla - spawn eggs
#122 opened by Nitjsefnie - 0
Config for Ruby's Fire [Suggestion]
#121 opened by Moosheking - 0
[Bug] Unable to override quartz glass block drops with data packs
#120 opened by alerikaisattera - 0
[Bug] Cincinnasite Recipes missing in the recipes.json config
#119 opened by LucasOe - 0
[Bug] Jellyfish Mushroom is growable on Better End terrain
#118 opened by alerikaisattera - 1
[Bug] Mod Menu is unable to change BetterNether settings
#117 opened by Medievalien - 0
#116 opened by Moosheking - 0
[Bug] error loading mod -
#115 opened by myob333 - 0
[Bug] Possible Lang issue in creative tab
#114 opened by gamerpotion - 2
[Bug] Jungle Skeleton Crash
#113 opened by Imbion - 2
[Bug] Issue with Quartz Glass texture in front of water sources
#112 opened by CadmiumC0re - 2
[Question] A few questions about Rubys' Fire enchantment
#111 opened by Gamemassa - 2
[Suggestion] Textures License
#110 opened by JurajVajda - 1
[Suggestion] Recipe Handling
#109 opened - 0
- 1
[Bug] Infinite Boot Loop
#107 opened by YPetremann