- 1
[Bug] bone_block_bone_button.json recipe not generating
#194 opened by brandonJensen - 1
[Bug] Eye Plants Not Dropping Loot
#179 opened by Myrrium - 0
[Bug] Weeping Obsidian's name starts with a Space
#180 opened by chocotoneg - 0
Issue when terrain generation
#182 opened by WitherBuilder13 - 0
[Suggestion] Efficiency enchantment on Cincinnasite Shears
#181 opened by ST-DDT - 1
[Suggestion] Add a wiki!
#183 opened by steve-the-player - 0
Essential Mod compatibility
#184 opened by PyroBen - 3
[Suggestion] Nerf nether city
#185 opened by zeid0ne - 0
[Bug] Crash on server start-up [Fabric 0.15.3/1.19.2]
#186 opened by pokesmells - 0
Forged Cinncinasite Block
#190 opened by Nixonyy - 0
[Suggestion] Option to turn mushrooms back to 2d mode
#187 opened by OminousDiscovery - 0
Cincinnasite Bars
#188 opened by Nixonyy - 0
[Bug] Crying&Weeping Obsidian crashes the client with "Weather, Storms & Tornadoes" mod
#189 opened by MacatMovie - 0
[Question] How to generator BetterX world with config on server-side?
#191 opened by charliez0 - 1
[Bug] Failed to load datapacks
#192 opened by OcrSu - 2
[Bug] Mushroom Fir Trimmed Chest missing lang
#195 opened by Bentcheesee - 1
Unable to enter Nether after removing BetterNether
#196 opened by Doctor-Duck - 2
Green lines in a radius around me
#145 opened by RiuWaystone - 3
[Bug] BetterNether Wood Signs do not drop as items when broken after being placed
#151 opened by genram - 5
[Bug] Block Rendering broken in the BetterNether
#147 opened by Bogieloo - 2
[Bug] Gamecrash when a Quarry tries to destroy the Nether Lapis Ore
#148 opened by Drakune - 1
[Bug] Cincinnasite should be able to be used in stonecutter
#150 opened by ChristopherJ123 - 2
[Bug] Endless wither skeleton-spawning in Nether city causing insane Lag
#152 opened by BruhMoment12312 - 0
Eyes don't drop the seeds and slime anymore.
#153 opened by HighTiered - 1
[Suggestion] Make Wither Skeletons in Nether Cities wear Cincinnasite Armor and use Cincinnasite tools.
#154 opened by ArenaTek13 - 2
[Bug] Crashing upon singleplayer world creation
#155 opened by wltrmsfn - 1
[Suggestion] Armor Trims
#156 opened by UnknownEntity131 - 1
[Suggestion/Bug?] Compatability with YTTR Scorched and Scorched Sumit
#157 opened by Shibva - 1
[Suggestion] YTTR compatibility with BetterNether: Special Biome generation aproach
#158 opened by Shibva - 1
[Bug] Eyeball block and eyeball vein doesn't drop anything.
#159 opened by Danielus04 - 0
[Bug] BetterNether seems to break armor rendering with Armory Conglomery Resource Pack
#160 opened by gvancamp - 0
[Bug] Server crash
#161 opened by jaynotgay - 0
[Bug] nether city chest/drawers are empty and no mobs spawn
#165 opened by BuckChuck19 - 0
[Bug] soul grass isn't replacable
#166 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
[Suggestion] BN/BE Fauna compatibility with Create Harvester
#162 opened by JiDW - 0
[Bug] Server Crash
#163 opened by iStryka - 3
[Bug] Patchouli not working
#164 opened by Atmois - 0
[Suggestion] Option to disable 3d blocks
#170 opened by Shadownite64 - 0
[Bug] Fireruby pickaxe with Silk Touch causes quartz ore to not drop xp
#167 opened by TimVincii - 0
[Suggestion] Stop the Fireruby pickaxe from smelting ores when it has the Silk Touch enchantment.
#168 opened by TimVincii - 1
[Bug] Ticking entity piglins
#169 opened by Sheepzor - 2
[Bug] Changing blocks config file causes startup crash.
#171 opened by GabFran - 0
[Bug] Minor Mod Conflict with Auto-Slabs mod
#173 opened by Gamemassa - 1
[Suggestion] Make stalactite grow like dripstone
#172 opened by FeeeeK - 4
#175 opened by SafeOfArsenal - 0
[Bug] Game Crashes on load
#174 opened by randoART - 0
[Suggestion] Connected textures for cincinnasite frames/glass
#176 opened by hiimagamer - 0
Hellhounds from Bewitchment not spawning
#177 opened by VVath - 3
[Help] How do I disable certain biomes in the Nether generation
#178 opened by Its-Just-Luci - 0
[Bug] The flaming ruby armor is missing tags
#197 opened by HojoTimberwolf