- 3
reactor keeps disassembling and reassembling, 1.20.1
#91 opened by Nuclarwharhead - 1
Forge tag missing
#92 opened by Legorfyr - 1
Invisibility bug with optifine
#43 opened by Pattaa - 0
Refined pipes incompactibility
#44 opened by screret - 1
Cant open the access port
#45 opened by Spionkiller01 - 2
Add LICENSE file
#47 opened by ouroborus - 1
i cant run plz help and i dont want to go into 1.16
#48 opened by Dr-krumpet - 3
Reactor Terminal JEI Feature missing from 1.18
#50 opened by TheRealArchie - 1
MC 1.18.2 ATM(All the Mods)7 Modpack Curseforge
#54 opened by ScorpionInc - 2
ATM7 0.4.16 - Entire server crashed
#53 opened by Waffleflappers - 1
CC, Advanced Peripherls integration
#55 opened by gamenTV - 1
Wiki page for turbines leads to 404
#56 opened by Hero9909 - 1
Crash when placing down turbine.
#57 opened by ChonkyMonkey - 1
Turbine redstone port missing?
#62 opened by AutarkOS - 1
[1.19.2] ATM8 multiblock crash
#63 opened by Mitchell5200 - 4
Reactor voiding fuel when joining world
#64 opened by stone11062006 - 2
Bigger Reactor timeouts server on max size 128x128x192
#66 opened by torbenprobst - 1
REactor Errors in log not loading texture events
#65 opened by Zelioth - 0
Reactor 2
#67 opened by RogueLogix - 0
JEI Integration
#70 opened by RogueLogix - 20
Reactor voiding fuel when joining world [0.6.0-beta.6]
#71 opened by dredgemage - 1
Server Crashed when mining reactor casing on 3x3 reactor when reactor is running
#76 opened by Talkarcabbage - 1
Server Crash
#77 opened by Icedragonzz821 - 2
Turbine not producing electricity 1.19.2
#72 opened by TrueDubzy - 3
I cant play bigger reactors with my friend
#73 opened by dinospino779 - 1
Reactor Shutting off and instantly voiding fuel when out of chunk
#74 opened by MoonsMcSparkle - 0
Server Crashes
#75 opened by Obeeyyyy - 2
Reactor fuel dump and Reactor shutdown on server reset
#78 opened by IWenton - 1
Actively cooled reactor not outputting steam
#79 opened by TrickShotMLG02 - 1
Aktivcooling reactor is extremely hot
#80 opened by Hevoc44 - 1
Allow for completely disabling ore gen
#81 opened by SGZ-Creations - 1
Multiblock causes crash even if reactor was not activated
#82 opened by Phaxyy - 2
Unknown multiblock error On TNP Limitless 6
#83 opened by infinity034 - 1
The ReactorPowerTapTile exposes the wrong capability
#84 opened by justliliandev - 1
1.20.1 Game Crash at startup with Rubidium
#85 opened by Andibyts - 5
No uranium ore generation in minecraft version 1.19.2 (forge version 43.2.21)
#86 opened by Gesichtsglatze - 1
the mod is Causing the game to crash
#88 opened by xXshadowWolf - 1
Faster way to process cyanite ingot into blutonium
#89 opened by DarkShadow012 - 1
Redstone Port Does Not Work
#90 opened by TronWoWGamer - 0
[Forge 1.20.1] Fluid names aren't localized
#94 opened by vizthex123 - 11
Mod not star in different server types
#95 opened by SrNadien - 0
[Suggestion] [Forge 1.20.1] REI support for the Cyanite Reprocessor
#96 opened by vizthex123 - 4
the mod's turbine rotors are not rotating
#97 opened by kaelhub - 3
[BUG] does not invalidate capabilities
#98 opened by TeamDman - 0
[Feature Request] Allow Ejected Fuel Item to Be Configurable
#99 opened by Darkosto - 0
Reactor with one rod only radiating from the bottom
#102 opened by arnoudvanderleer - 0
Reactor waste not appearing in output port
#103 opened by andydempster - 0
Missing fuel rod reported at incorrect Y location
#104 opened by HumanBean06 - 1
turbine blades and shaft disappear upon completing multiblock.
#105 opened by Antipolar - 0
[Suggestion] Allow power output to be configurable by a magnitude
#106 opened by BurningSulphur