- 1
Translate ru_ru 1.16.5
#42 opened by BazZziliuS - 1
An unknow multiblock error has occurred
#41 opened by MasterPNJ - 5
An unknown error to report
#39 opened by thmarinho - 2
Bigger Reactors and Forbidden Arcanus Crash
#38 opened by Tomatoh - 3
Cyanite reprocessor has no gui config and does not accept water from any sides
#37 opened by theArhar - 0
Coolant/Turbine mode for Reactor issues - no longer accepting coolant
#36 opened by Emmaliene - 6
Server crashed after working on a reactor
#35 opened by TheRealDadbeard - 0
Reactor Crashes Game/Server 0.6.0-alpha.9.1/All the Mods 7 2.13
#34 opened by bancey - 0
[1.18.1] Cyanite Reprocessor doesn't save on World Unload
#33 opened by gizmocodes - 7
Reactors that are larger than a Chunk stop being a multiblock on server reboot
#32 opened by sarr95 - 7
Turbine rotor Blade and Shaft not showing
#31 opened by KurizuKN - 1
Tooltips missing 1.18.1
#30 opened by Jax2 - 2
Uranium Ore breaks instantly, and without tools
#29 opened by lamoyrl90 - 10
1.17.1 Right Click on Casing Creates Error
#28 opened by Ocraftyone - 9
BiggerReactors mod crashing server
#27 opened by TaintedAngel - 1
[1.17.1] Uranium Ore does not generate in world.
#26 opened by Gbergz - 1
Version 3.1 Issue
#25 opened by DatBigChungo - 10
RenderChunk rebuild coremod ConcurrentModification race condition
#24 opened by JakeyPrime - 7
Reactor Computer Port missing documentation
#23 opened by fatboychummy - 1
error while loading minecraft
#22 opened by Trixz2018 - 12
Assembled reactor breaks after re-login if interacted via block reader from Integrated Dynamics
#21 opened by Patryk122PL - 2
Dependency Error
#20 opened by auddie2015 - 0
Reactor Manifold recipe error?
#19 opened by nanonestor - 1
Reactor can store negative amount of energy
#18 opened by twothe - 1
Turbine "battery" function seems to always return Nil for CC: Tweaked
#17 opened by NicholasJMES - 3
Moderators don't seem to do anything
#16 opened by Yadokingu - 1
Unlimited power
#15 opened by Dabraleli - 1
Reactor gets disconnected from Computercraft Modem on server restart
#14 opened by krakaen - 1
#13 opened by lumi-show-gz - 3
computer interaction
#12 opened by lukeplechaty - 0
Reactor Computer Port .battery() function always returns nil
#11 opened by BartHageman - 0
Reactor fuel rod is missing block break particles
#9 opened by DechertNicholas - 3
Add "Programmer Art" option for old textures
#8 opened by Kurunoa - 2
Bigger Reactors (biggerreactors) has failed to load correctly
#7 opened by Florek81 - 1
How to make coolant port let water into the tank
#6 opened by Dragonlord1005 - 3
Multi block not completing
#5 opened by Dragonlord1005 - 2
Suggestion: Add block attributes to Tooltip.
#3 opened by Karmacopper - 1
No bucket of Irradiated Steam
#2 opened by carlos-miller-466 - 4
reactor doesnt allow thermal fluids
#1 opened by RogueLogix