- 2
Tooltips in GUIs overlap JEIs Favorites List
#519 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Use Forge:String for Cavas recipe
#520 opened by Darkere - 2
16x Textures
#521 opened by 88onme - 1
Block Breaker dupe bug
#522 opened by MoreThanHidden - 3
[Recipe Request] Cracked Basalt
#523 opened - 1
[1.14.4] Blockbreaker causes server to crash
#524 opened by bart1ebee - 4
Request: Cross-mod compatibility
#527 opened by trevorjd - 1
Blue Power ores drop xp when harvested with Silk Touch
#528 opened by NielsPilgaard - 2
Cant craft the Project Table [1.14]
#529 opened by PABessero - 1
[1.15.1] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on startup
#530 opened by TheMCBrothers-Manager - 6
Quark Bug - Server Crash While Launching
#531 opened by Darkfiend009 - 3
Quark Bug - Duplication with canvas bags
#532 opened by acorryn - 1
1.15.1 Load issue on forge version 30.0.17+
#533 opened by RayzoRayy - 2
[1.15.1] Crash on startup
#534 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Deployer looses inventory on game save/quit > load
#535 opened by papaworld - 2
Conflict with Silent's Gems/Gear/Lib
#536 opened by Gamerbolts - 2
[1.15.2] Request for Forge tagged recipes
#537 opened by kwpugh - 5
[1.15.2] Grass Conflict with shears
#538 opened by imakunee - 5
- 1
[1.15.2] Marble doesn't get mined as quick as regular stone.
#541 opened by mjlmjl888 - 6
[1.15.2-0.4.184] Breaking grass doesn't let other mods drop their seeds
#540 opened by shortybsd - 1
Disabled wireless transmitter ?
#542 opened by undeadgod47 - 1
[1.15.2] Weird bug with recipes and item tags
#545 opened by TheUntamed - 1
New Feature: Implement crafting chips
#543 opened by zaped212 - 2
Update installation documention
#544 opened by zaped212 - 2
Game crash when placing Sortron
#548 opened by charmesal - 3
BlueElectricCable onBlockPlacedBy neighbor pos values possible wrong
#550 opened by zaped212 - 1
Lamps don't glow properly
#551 opened by Aurailus - 3
lots of errors in logs
#552 opened by bloodyraoul - 1
[1.14.4] Unable to disable volcano generation
#553 opened by Sandriell - 0
Lamp Glow ESP - 1.16.1 Fabulous Graphics
#554 opened by MoreThanHidden - 3
There's no option for marble generation?
#555 opened by tobi-polar - 2
[1.16.1] Crash on screwdriver use
#558 opened by ArsNotFound - 1
Tungsten carbide litterally has no recipe to make it?
#559 opened by tobi-polar - 0
Ores can be broken by hand
#561 opened by medsal15 - 0
[1.16.1] FML v98 Failed to Load
#560 opened by papaworld - 2
[1.15.2] Microblocks break instantly
#562 opened by mechobree - 2
Mahou & Blue Power dupe issue
#563 opened by stepsword - 1
ProjectTable dupe.
#564 opened by 2xMJet - 0
Ores cannot be smelted by blast furnace.
#565 opened by Onyoss - 1
BluePower not Compatible with Advanced Mining Dimension
#566 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
1.7.10 required mod link broken
#567 opened by 0bsidianFox - 2
Lamps not glowing
#568 opened by Andibyts - 3
[1.16.3] Need to update for forge changes - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not register to a locked registry. Modder should use Forge Register methods.
#569 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
[1.16.4] Issue with config option alloyFurnaceDatapackGenerator
#570 opened by Terpo - 3
Multi player project table dup bug
#571 opened by winterSteve25 - 3
[1.16.4] Dimensions whitelist/blacklist
#572 opened by YOYOK9 - 2
1.16.4 Crash with Alloy Furnace
#573 opened by Terpo - 1
Alloy furnace datapack generates every world load
#574 opened by ZeekDaGeek - 0
Suggestion for the unsupported 1.12.2
#575 opened by Taknax