


Propamajoogles has reached the end of development support. Try Thingamajigs!

candy and other related blocks imggloomwood forest img

Click here for the mod page on the website & recipes for some items and blocks in the mod!

This mod is all about the miscellaneous “things” or “props” that don’t fit Minecraft normally, but with slightly more polishing done to them.

In this mod, you'll get access to the second part of the Bluey's Mods Bundle.

This mod adds:

+ Fantasy/Magic Weapons and Armor

+ Costumes and Wearables

+ More Super-Powerful Items

+ Items and Blocks that might break the normal game mechanics (in a good, rather overpowered way), and change the way you play Minecraft

...and more!

There is different variants for several types of items included with this mod.


This mod uses Realistic images... These come from outside sources that have been simplified removing all information that is identifiable except the name of the object, and the official model and design of the object. I do not claim any of these images as my own, unless explicitly stated. This is a props mod, implying non-Minecrafty items will be added according to some rulings that have been done in the past.

Want something removed? Ask using a private message, and state the following:

Is one of your products not to be shown off in other sources of the Internet?

Is it against your personal company interests, terms of use, or is not being used correctly?

Do you feel violated by this mod's use of the product or other items in this mod, or association with this mod?

If you feel this way, please send a message and the mod will quickly and swiftly remove the feature from the mod, otherwise, the whole mod will be taken down until something can be worked out.

However, if you do not provide a valid reason, or are spamming, you'll be blocked and reported immediately. Otherwise, your message will be responded to in a few hours or days, depending on circumstances.

Want to sponsor, or better, donate to this mod? For now, you cannot, but possibly you will be able to in the future, but not likely due to some features in this mod NOT being original. 

Also, this mod uses parts or has modified an existing texture or a set of textures that belong to Mojang. These textures can be used in a way that doesn't directly copy the texture, which they are in this case for this mod specifically. The textures might be modified later to include much more unique elements.

Some textures were made by Greenspelunking a long time ago. They have been ported to this version for the sake of getting them some attention, and as such, I claim no credit for the textures that are Greenspelunkings. Greenspelunking is NOT involved in the mod making process or texture porting progress, however permission was given to use the textures they made. This mod does not reflect the original intent those images were to be used for, however.

All 1.17.1+ Versions: This mod uses some of Mojang's deobfuscated code, which is part of Forge.


Never run out of story elements again!

I suggest downloading Thingamajigs and Snackimadoodles before getting this mod. They go together well!

"Have fun roleplaying with these features..." - CreativeMasterBonin

Do not repost this mod, otherwise your website may end up on the "StopModReposts" GitHub as a 'naughty website'.

Do not download from reposter websites, as they may contain malicious versions of mods. Those website's versions of my mods are not mine, nor do I ever condone the use of such mods.

Also, I will not be held responsible for the reposters, as their websites are not mine. If they repost, they pose the same risk I do, which is using online images that showcase products that cost real money. This mod cannot profit due to this, if it was to, there would be issues, or, if allowed, it could but would have to share revenue. Thingamajigs is NOT included, since the features in that mod do not directly use images from any source (except for edits of Mojang's textures, explained in the description of that mod).