

Propamajoogles 0.0.2 Update Features

Propamajoogles 0.0.2 Update Features

Here is what was added in the 0.0.2 update.
How the yellow power glove works

How the yellow power glove works

It's better for mining than attacking, but if you're quick, it still will do some damage.
Propamajoogles 1.1.7 Additions

Propamajoogles 1.1.7 Additions

Added new graham cracker and gingerbread blocks and the pastry bag which can coat blocks shown in the image in frosting (other than the candy bricks).
How to use the Sweet Dreams Weapon

How to use the Sweet Dreams Weapon

This is how you use this very nice item!
A Propamajoogle

A Propamajoogle

This is what a propamajoogle is in this mod.
How the red power glove works

How the red power glove works

This is how powerful the red power glove is.
Inventory Screen For Props Mod

Inventory Screen For Props Mod

Here is the inventory screen for props mod.
How to grow the gloomwood trees in survival

How to grow the gloomwood trees in survival

Use bonemeal on a gloomwood sapling to grow a gloomwood tree! (You must find the biome first and smash the leaves to obtain a gloomwood tree sapling)
The New Generation of the Gloomwood Forests

The New Generation of the Gloomwood Forests

This version of the gloomwood forests has bigger and taller trees, and gloomwood itself is more rare. Also more things can spawn in the biome now (mob or otherwise world decorator things).
Propamajoogles 1.1.4 Additions

Propamajoogles 1.1.4 Additions

Here is everything that was added in version 1.1.4 of the mod.
How to be revived

How to be revived

Just stand on top, and be safe while you heal.
Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Pumpkin Armor

Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Pumpkin Armor

A look at the pumpkin armor!
What the suit is capable of in version 0.0.5

What the suit is capable of in version 0.0.5

This is what the suit gives you when you put it on... (click to see full gif)
How to use the green power glove

How to use the green power glove

The power gloves can be very handy!
Propamajoogles 0.0.5 Features

Propamajoogles 0.0.5 Features

Here are some of the things included with this update.
Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Tuxedo Suit

Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Tuxedo Suit

A look at the Tuxedo Outfit!
How to use the Jawbreaker

How to use the Jawbreaker

This is how you throw a spikey ball at enemies!
Supreme Enchanter New Enchantable Items!

Supreme Enchanter New Enchantable Items!

New items able to be enchanted in the Supreme Enchanter!
Propamajoogles 1.0.7 Additions and changed blocks

Propamajoogles 1.0.7 Additions and changed blocks

The Altar block (used in a recipe) was changed to have pretty particles when you place it in the world. 2 new ore blocks were added to allow easy access to features that had to be moved to the overworld.
Propamajoogles 1.1.6 New Features!

Propamajoogles 1.1.6 New Features!

New blocks, a food item/crop, and a weapon!
Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Sunglasses

Propamajoogles 0.0.3 Sunglasses

A look at the sunglasses!
Candy Corn Crop Growing

Candy Corn Crop Growing

The candy corn food crop grows slowly but eventually pays off.
How to Obtain Hearts in Survival

How to Obtain Hearts in Survival

Kill zombies to have a chance at getting a heart for some of the recipes in this mod!
Propamajoogles 0.0.4 Update Features

Propamajoogles 0.0.4 Update Features

Here are some of the things that were added in update 0.0.4.
How to revive a dead item

How to revive a dead item

Just right click. That's all. You'll need to experiment to find out what works with this revival method.
More custom trees up close

More custom trees up close

Here is a closer view of the trees you need to find in the forest in order to obtain a special block.
Propamajoogles 0.0.3 More Features

Propamajoogles 0.0.3 More Features

Here are a few other props that were included with the 0.0.3 update.