- 0
Contributor flower rendering flat, not standing upright
#200 opened by pjfranke - 0
Botania fails to work on forge 1826
#201 opened by yrsegal - 0
Panes don't have block models
#204 opened by yrsegal - 0
Bookmarks don't work
#205 opened by williewillus - 0
Top of the middle piece of not-bifrost panes doesn't render
#208 opened by yrsegal - 0
[Request] Terrasteel armor recipes keep the enchantments from the chestplate used in crafting
#209 opened by oitsjustjose - 2
#210 opened by medvedos1995 - 2
[1.9][Forge1811] Forge crashed at startup
#211 opened by ThuCommix - 2
[1.9] Pure daisy duplication bug
#212 opened by ThuCommix - 2
EntityTippedArrow interaction with PixieHandler (1.9)
#214 opened by pjfranke - 1
Crash when holding shift over the lexica botania (1.9)
#193 opened by luxor-g - 6
Terrasteel helmet have too many attributes (1.9)
#194 opened by luxor-g - 0
Can't load deobf-built jar in dev env
#195 opened by yrsegal - 3
Taking damage causes crashes
#196 opened by Melakion - 1
Server side crashes (MC 1.9)
#197 opened by cap10zeus - 12
Mana Bursts are extremely rainbow
#198 opened by yrsegal - 2
Crash on get lexicon tooltip
#199 opened by yrsegal - 1
botania:specialFlower has null particle when being run over
#223 opened by yrsegal - 4
craft band of mana uncomfortable
#225 opened by TaKaQod - 1
{1.8} Rod of the Terra firma, does it work or is it broken?
#226 opened by Hyxaru - 14
Forced mana state doesn't work
#228 opened by yrsegal - 2
it has a bug can you fix it
#229 opened by punkenhed - 3
Dyes from vanilla flowers, that are not from poppies and dandelions, don't count for a flower origened dye to make floral fertilizer
#215 opened by Hyxaru - 6
Mana Pool and Terrasteel Plate despawn items within 5 seconds
#217 opened by remyxomatosis - 6
Mana bar renderers don't respect latest forge tooltip resizer
#219 opened by yrsegal - 0
[1.9] Munchdew not eating
#220 opened by ThuCommix - 8
[1.9] Harvesting endoflame causes crash
#221 opened by ThuCommix - 2
Force relays can cause CME's.
#232 opened by Laikulo - 1
No petite dreadthorne
#230 opened by tsurezuregusa - 3
Move mana into capabilities
#231 opened by SoniEx2 - 0
build 301 Cannot bind mana spreader to mana pool
#234 opened by maxhenkes - 1
Ice Pendant doesn't use 1.9 mechanics
#235 opened by yrsegal - 6
[REQUEST - 1.9] Allow making monster drops with Mana Pool
#236 opened by Nova001Sol - 4
IBaubleRender.Helper.rotateIfSneaking has incorrect positioning
#237 opened by yrsegal - 2
Livingwood bow won't shoot in survival. Botania version 1.8-301
#238 opened by calebm02 - 11
Crash when trying to combine non-botania cosmetics
#239 opened by yrsegal - 9
IC2 Blocks with Weight Lens
#233 opened by murapix - 7
Gaia items aren't colorized
#240 opened by yrsegal - 0
In-world HUD for lexicon has overlap
#241 opened by yrsegal - 3
Nomming the Apple of Grisaia forces SERVER_STOPPED if you're still hungry when you finish eating in a dev env
#242 opened by yrsegal - 5
Some cosmetic baubles extremely out of correct location
#243 opened by yrsegal - 1
[Bug]Crash when try to place the altar beside a chest or furnace
#244 opened by q120248681 - 3
Potions don't have a backing in the HUD
#245 opened by yrsegal - 2
(1.9) Crash upon opening inventory, creative. Baubles inventory works fine.
#246 opened by Hyxaru - 4
Implement new Mana Blaster model
#247 opened by williewillus - 2
ForgeHooksClient.putQuadColor() not compatible with Optifine shaders (causes crash)
#248 opened by Drakonas - 3
[1.9] BlockAltar.getLightValue crash
#249 opened by gazpachoking - 4
[1.9] Cross-mod Duplication Bug with Psi
#250 opened by Nova001Sol - 2
Mana pump crash between two pools
#251 opened by jrdroney - 3
Pylon positions are shifted in hand/inventory
#252 opened by Nova001Sol