![Canvas Renderer](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/197/845/256/256/636895665884150904.png)
- 1
Shadows are Z-fighting/flickering
#89 opened by CalXee - 2
Bloom is visible through all entities
#88 opened by CalXee - 1
Some pixels in textures aren't affected by bloom while some are, leading to odd bloom textures
#87 opened by CalXee - 2
1.16.2 crash on worldjoin
#86 opened by drakosoldier298 - 1
[BUG] Enchantment Glint Not Rendering
#85 opened by YTG1234 - 0
Typo on HD Lightmaps
#84 opened by FishyFissh - 21
[1.16.2] Crash while browsing through REI with Canvas
#83 opened by Desempregago - 2
Enchantment Glints not visible
#82 opened by grondag - 1
Mysterious crash when using canvas render
#81 opened by murl-digital - 1
Canvas crash upon joining world... Ok Zoomer mod incompatibilty??? [java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.class_638.method_29287()Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;]
#80 opened by technodono - 1
Support for performance and OpenGL 4.5
#79 opened - 0
Can't run client via IDE after git cloning
#78 opened by justinian-balaskas - 0
i18n / other languages support
#77 opened by rsp4jack - 0
Immersive Portals Mishap
#76 opened by Deathron99 - 18
Lighting Issue
#75 opened by hoshiyomi - 1
Wiki not updated to reflect changes in resource pack
#74 opened by tylerolson - 1
Crash occurs when using REI with Canvas Renderer
#73 opened by jac4e - 3
#72 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 1
Unnecessary fallback codepath for CBT
#71 opened by TwilightFlower - 10
crash with atio6axxx.dll
#70 opened by tyukara - 1
Compatibility: Custom Selection Box
#69 opened by grondag - 1
Enhancement: smarter vine waving
#68 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 4
Rendering glitch when you fly up from the ground while looking down
#67 opened by yavincl - 1
Feature request: Per-vertex biome color smoothing
#66 opened by yavincl - 1
Canvas - Just Map Compatibility: waypoint beacons not visible when using Canvas
#65 opened by calloatti - 8
blocks have seams
#64 opened by Linguardium - 0
Lambda Dynamic Lights Compatibility
#63 opened by grondag - 5
Immersive Portals compatibility
#62 opened by grondag - 0
Tweakaroo Compatibility
#61 opened by grondag - 5
Incompatibility with OK Zoomer
#60 opened by EddyNottingham - 2
Issue w/astromine
#59 opened by by-moan - 0
Underground does not render in Spectator
#58 opened by BBloom81 - 5
No Overlays from other mods
#57 opened by BBloom81 - 0
Drawers icons from Simple Drawers mod are invisible
#56 opened by grondag - 5
Chests and Beds are invisible with this mod installed alongside lots of others.
#55 opened by Geneticus - 4
Joining World text appearing over certain transparent objects
#54 opened by benjamin-bussey - 2
Non-terrain block renders missing diffuse lighting
#53 opened by grondag - 1
Enchantment glint missing. Same for block outlines.
#52 opened by grondag - 2
Color Depth Render Error in Resource Pack
#51 opened by T0paz - 2
GPU temperature
#50 opened by Vixtron - 1
VRAM Memory Leak
#49 opened by RolledR - 9
Lighting in complex models is acting funky
#48 opened by Azzyypaaras - 1
BER persists after the BE is broken
#47 opened by Azzyypaaras - 3
Compatibility Hooks
#46 opened by grondag - 6
Request: compatibility with Light Overlay ?
#45 opened by 5l4y3r-burrito - 1
Placing a string block crashes the game
#44 opened by AlexGarrity - 0
Unknown OpenGL Error
#42 opened by Draylar - 0
Canvas not releasing shader files after read
#40 opened by Draylar - 1
crashing with optifabric 0.5.1 and opdifine HD F3
#39 opened by Nathan22211 - 1
Magma blocks rendering issue.
#38 opened by calloatti