Carpet Shadow

Carpet Shadow


1.18.2 Mod Incompatibility with Trinkets Curios Theme Mod

dadoirie opened this issue ยท 4 comments


client crashing on mc launch when having carpet shadow and Trinkets Curios Theme Mod installed on the client - haven't tested this out when carpet shadow is only installed on the server while the other is on the client (which is a client-only mod btw)

opened a issue on the others mod GH as well as I have no idea which mod is causing this incompatibility: jptrzy/trinkets-curios-theme-mod#5 (comment)


i'm on vacation at the moment so i can't inspect the cause of this incompatibility

the only client side effects of carpet-shadow are cosmetic/visual as the work is all done by the server

namely if you have tooltips active the shadow id will be sent as a lore nbt and will prevent clients from pick selecting ( middle mouse button ) the shadow stack.
other visuals are the comparator not remaining as a ghost block when shadowing new items

in the end you can safely remove carpet-shadow from the client if you're not playing single player worlds


Fair enough ... thanks for the explanation and wish you a nice vacation


Closed the issue even tho the client side crash isn't resolved ... my bad ... reopened it


i'm not able to see the logs anymore is this problem still happening?