- 1
[[Suggestion]] Player Chest Cavity Size Config
#53 opened by Bullseye55 - 2
Gradle of source code cannot be imported
#52 opened by helloaminecraft - 1
Chest Cavity does not appear in the curse forge launcher.
#54 opened by toErIpNid - 2
Crash on startup with chestcavity | Possible incompatibility
#55 opened by KavisKryptic - 2
Botania mixin conflict
#56 opened by AeiouEnigma - 0
#102 opened by theHiddenPower - 0
[Request] Chest cavities for AdventureZ mobs
#57 opened by AeiouEnigma - 1
[Resquest] Do you still work on this mod?
#59 opened by KMFrench1 - 1
Food issue
#60 opened by cowsha - 1
SalvageRecipe is wrongly implemented
#64 opened by Ayutac - 8
Chest cavity and Origin's Bug
#66 opened by OzaKahuu - 0
Ticking Entity/ModifyDropsAPI Crash
#67 opened by DarianLStephens - 1
ChestCavity Crash
#68 opened by ProxtosScorn - 4
REI deprecated entrypoint
#69 opened by Mattabase - 3
Won't even open
#70 opened by BobRob-Techno - 1
[Enhancement] Configurable chest cavity size
#82 opened by BobVarioa - 0
Request 1.19.2 Code.
#85 opened by MarbleGateKeeper - 0
Possible Imconpatible with Create mod
#83 opened by MarbleGateKeeper - 2
Buffs/debuffs stay after uninstalling this mod, 0 negative doesn't work
#84 opened by wemdne - 1
cannot open other players chests
#86 opened by Problemreported - 0
Create Mod Highjacked recipes
#87 opened by Kfrost084 - 1
Anthropophagy Compat
#88 opened by Nahere - 0
O-Negative Appears on Weapons/Armour in Loot
#89 opened by cybercat5555 - 1
[Enhancement] Minecraft Comes Alive Reborn Compatibility
#91 opened by JaceSilverwave - 4
game crashing when im loading the mod
#92 opened by idozwi - 0
[Enhancement] Add the messages for failing to open a chest cavity into lang files
#94 opened by puncrafter - 0
Compatibility Request, Sync
#95 opened by Merlin1846 - 3
How do I make an organ safe to use?
#96 opened by zurgeg - 0
1.19.4 please
#97 opened by RefriZaddo - 0
Shearing sheep crashes on 1.19.2
#98 opened by macmv - 1
Release for 1.20.1
#100 opened by linux649 - 0
[bug] Detoxification, Filtration, Buff Purging, Withered effectively broken
#105 opened by A5TR0spud - 2
[Bug] Dupe glitch by bee chest cavity and beehive
#106 opened by xXStrayXx - 0
Crash on startup (something about creative mode tab)
#107 opened by bahillybeans - 2
#108 opened by Noah-svg-boop - 2
mobs not dropping loot, at all
#109 opened by absinth3 - 0
error code one
#110 opened by rat1109 - 0
error code one
#111 opened by rat1109 - 3
Inventory Offset
#29 opened by DarianLStephens - 3
Can't open EnderChests
#30 opened by TinglyRobin3014 - 0
crash with the newest version
#32 opened by DarklyNightly - 2
crash with the mod things [fabric]
#33 opened by DarklyNightly - 1
#34 opened by IcySho - 1
"Ticking memory connection", Worked earlier removed a few mods (not ones required) started crashing
#35 opened by StellarDreemurr - 1
Using silk gland crashes the local server
#36 opened by xotatera - 1
Can't use chest opener on other players.
#45 opened by StreamTwelf - 4
Immediate crash on start up (1.17.1)
#47 opened by AzureMonument - 0
Don't nest cloth config.
#49 opened by K0-RR - 4
[1.16.5] Player booted from server when using dragon breath
#50 opened by CplPibald - 3
#51 opened by Fiiiiiiiiish