- 5
Chisel revert glitch
#563 opened by ReptilNecrosis - 1
[1.12] iChisel crash
#564 opened by LeChuckXIV - 3
Crash On Start.
#565 opened by ImLunaUwU - 1
1.10.2 textures missing
#568 opened by KrauzeBartek - 5
1.10.2 Marble and Basalt texture disapears
#569 opened by Arsomang - 1
crash on startup
#570 opened by MIGA2001 - 2
[1.12.X]Suggestion support for the varied clay/Terracotta block colors would be awesome
#571 opened by mcdodge34 - 3
Null Object Crash [1.12] - [Chisel-MC1.12-]
#572 opened by ggtechyguy - 1
Won't Load?
#566 opened by Dreamnoble - 1
#567 opened by BuilderDan - 2
Chisel Crashes the game on Startup
#573 opened by XantiFuchs - 1
Chisel makes issues with bloodmagic
#574 opened by MIGA2001 - 1
Disabling Mossy Bricks chiseling config option does't work
#575 opened by davqvist - 3
[1.12.2] can't chisel some blocks like copper
#576 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 2
Issues listed on Launcher startup
#577 opened by nathanjfealko - 2
[1.10.2]Re-Add Chisel Mode in GUI
#578 opened by Cmoor - 1
Crash when block are place
#579 opened by Hvmine - 0
Chisel with full inventory crashes to desktop
#580 opened by Sandstroem - 1
1.12.2 texture missing
#582 opened by CollapsedMondas - 1
Terracotta changes
#581 opened by SnowShock35 - 1
1.12.2 iron bars item (WIP!)
#583 opened by CollapsedMondas - 2
[1.12.2] JEI Error (Quick Fix?)
#584 opened by T145 - 3
CraftTweaker Support for 1.12.2
#586 opened by KAfable - 1
Chisel causes crash while initializing game
#585 opened - 1
[MCv1.10.2, Forge v1.10.2-] Mod isn't Loading (Self-Resolved)
#587 opened by Peekofwar - 1
Exception loading model
#588 opened - 1
Tooltip Error
#589 opened by MelanX - 1
[Request] Add config for disabling 'Received IMC from' messages
#590 opened by brisingraerowing - 11
FYI/Crash Report
#591 opened by Nexusdog - 2
Server Crash with Version 1.12-
#592 opened by Luckyday84 - 1
im a dum dum
#593 opened by Trixz2018 - 0
[1.10.2] Factory Block became uncraftable
#594 opened by SanAndreaP - 1
Crash on loading minecraft
#595 opened by DarkJarris - 1
[1.12.2] Rendering ingredient crash
#596 opened by katur239 - 6
[1.10.2] Unable to chisel to chisel varients of raw metal blocks
#598 opened by scalda - 11
[1.10.2] Chisel metal block varients don't show in JEI.
#602 opened by scalda - 9
[1.12.2] Crash upon shift-clicking stack when Iron Chisel is about to break
#603 opened by Endgineer - 2
[1.12.2] Recent update broke Factory blocks
#599 opened by Darkmega18 - 2
[1.10.2] Rendering Ingredient Crash
#600 opened by AzzyIsBest - 2
Latest Version of Chisel 1.12.2 Crashes Forge Server
#601 opened by kvgeorge1 - 2
Minor Chunk Corruption from In-World Chiseling
#604 opened by oitsjustjose - 4
[1.12.2] Factory Block/Tyrian recipe conflict
#605 opened by Riyshn - 0
Crash when chiseling with left click
#606 opened - 3
Crash issue?
#607 opened by LawsOfScience - 1
Duplication glitch when a chisel breaks
#608 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 4
[1.12.2] Factory blocks are not craftable
#611 opened by Skaphegor - 8
[1.12.2] Charcoal Block has no burn time and cannot be chiseled
#614 opened by Shahelion - 1
Crash when chisel breaks mid-stack
#610 opened by pha3l - 1
[1.7.10] Chisel mod broke the texture of steam in Railcraft
#616 opened by demycat - 1
Chisel-MC 1.10.2- :Crash when trying to left-click chisel two stacked cobblestone slabs
#615 opened by brad3055