Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling

OakLoaf opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am getting this error in multiplayer:
[]: Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, twilightforest.block.TFLogBlock attempted to load net/minecraft/client/util/ITooltipFlag missing @OnlyIn( Dist.CLIENT ) or @Optional?
I can get the bits from the creative menu but can't mine them myself on a multiplayer server (Works fine on Singleplayer)?

I saw mentioned about having MCMP updated, I don't believe MCMP is available for 1.16.5?

For any bug reports please provide the following details as well,

  • MC Version: 1.16.5
  • C&B Version: chiselsandbits-1.0.63.jar
  • Do You have Optifine: No
