Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Find the way to your buried treasure with custom clues.

Find the way to your buried treasure with custom clues.

The mod was used to create a custom sign that points toward the goal.
Custom Fence Design

Custom Fence Design

A Small pen for sheep created using the mod.
A Custom Welcome sign make from oak trees over a path.

A Custom Welcome sign make from oak trees over a path.

Custom Sign created from oak logs and oak planks, the text is written in coal.
Custom Tall Torches

Custom Tall Torches

Create Fancy Mounts for torches/levers or other things, as long as there is a flat surface in the middle of the chiseled block you can place item frames, levers or torches on them.
Dressing up Quartz Pillars and Accents

Dressing up Quartz Pillars and Accents

Using Chisels to Give Pillars some depth and some gold Lines to some obsidian.
Bricks made with Flat Colored Blocks

Bricks made with Flat Colored Blocks

This is not generally recommended since it requires a good graphics card, however it demonstrates the flexibility.
Top Windows - by lightwolf41

Top Windows - by lightwolf41

Custom Bridge (View 2)

Custom Bridge (View 2)

Created using vanilla materials, stone/planks/logs.
Tower - by lightwolf41

Tower - by lightwolf41

Custom Light Sources.

Custom Light Sources.

Using glowstone bits to create a custom light source.
Create Stairs with other materials

Create Stairs with other materials

Creating the wondrous smooth stone stairs.
Custom roof and Stone Bit Path

Custom roof and Stone Bit Path

Using the mod to create a stylized path of stones and a mild sloping roof.
Aztec Pillar Thing - By Rorax

Aztec Pillar Thing - By Rorax

Blocks Used: Polished Andesite, Cobblestone, Cyan Stained Clay, and Glowing Emerald from FCB.
Glowing Blocks to create Runes

Glowing Blocks to create Runes

Blocks are red glowing blocks from Flat Colored Blocks.
Custom Windows and More!

Custom Windows and More!

Use Glass or Stained Glass to create Custom Windows, and other glass works.
Stairs, work in progress - By trlababalan

Stairs, work in progress - By trlababalan

Creating the Chisels and Bits Logo

Creating the Chisels and Bits Logo

The logo was created with 3 types of wood, oak, spruce, and dark oak the darkest edge was done with coal. The tip was created with Prismarine and Dark Prismarine, Emerald and Diamond. it was checked against various backgrounds before picking Stone Brick.
Gazebo - By idahodiscgolf

Gazebo - By idahodiscgolf

A Custom Catwalk

A Custom Catwalk

A catwalk made of iron.
Tables to keep your fancy creations on.

Tables to keep your fancy creations on.

A custom table made of oak logs, planks, and stone.
Create Designs Using Compatiable Mod Blocks

Create Designs Using Compatiable Mod Blocks

Using Thaumcraft Blocks to create tables and floor pieces.
Stained Glass - by lightwolf41

Stained Glass - by lightwolf41

Stained Glass Style designs

Stained Glass Style designs

Using Transparent Blocks from Flat Colored Blocks
Custom Bridge

Custom Bridge

Created using vanilla materials, stone/planks/logs.
Workshop - By idahodiscgolf

Workshop - By idahodiscgolf

Clay Fountain - By Mezz

Clay Fountain - By Mezz

Using fluid bits to create a fountain.
Custom Flooring with Various Materials

Custom Flooring with Various Materials

Flooring made of stone, sandstone and emerald.
Water Well - By idahodiscgolf

Water Well - By idahodiscgolf