Chisels & Bits - For Forge

Chisels & Bits - For Forge


When teleporting, the game does not respond.

Hevartid opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Good evening. My base doesn't have too many bits, but that doesn't stop it from hanging stably when teleporting to that location. After the computer will ask you to complete the game process.
Removed the mod and it worked.
Can you help me to solve this problem. I do not want to remove such a creative mod from the assembly.
Minecraft version 1.19.2 Fabris


Apparently this is due to an attempt to load a chunk with processed blocks. This results in an error, but the crashlog is clean.


Apparently this is due to an attempt to load a chunk with processed blocks. This results in an error, but the crashlog is clean.

How did you trace this down? (I am trying to reproduce it)


Did a couple of tests. Initially teleported a couple of times to the base with and without a mod.
With the mod, the whole game hung and the process ended. Without everything loaded well. After, I moved on. Lowered rendering and chunk loading settings. I set the minimum in both, with some chance the game did not freeze and everything was fine. These are just isolated cases. Teleporting through the portal to hell also resulted in a freeze.
Now put the teleport away from the changed block. Everything works. The funny thing is that after teleporting near the blocks, I can safely teleport near them through the old point.
Sorry if it's not clear. Mcheanic translation of the text.


Changes to the allocated memory did not bring any changes.


I will assume that a sharp load of a chunk with changed blocks causes an overload.


I believe my server is having a similar issue. I'm not certain. Seemingly randomly our server will lock up until Watchdog kicks in. the trace had chisel and bits in it, but the Modded Discord was telling me to not trust the watchdog, and to use spark to find the source instead.

Long story short, I removed Chisel and Bits and haven't had the dead lock again. Here is the report watchdog made.

EDIT: I'm no longer certain this is a related issue. The bug I'm experiencing seems to only exist in 1.3.129 as a server using an older version of the pack hasn't had this issue and has far more C&Bs on it. I have made a new issue: #1078


Do you guys have create installed?


I have also experienced this issue, My server crashes whenever I teleport to an area with chiseled blocks, but if I walk in normally or tp to somewhere else it works fine. Also, the crash creates no errors, it just freezes the server.